Points of interest Georgetown, Guyana

st. george s anglican cathedral

georgetown laid out in north-south, east-west grid, interlaced canals protected kokers, or sluices, built dutch , later british provide drainage city lies 0.91 metres (3 ft) below high-tide level. long sea wall helps prevent flooding. city has numerous boulevards , contains many wooden colonial buildings , markets.

most of main buildings centred around western region of town. around western-central area independence square , promenade gardens, walter roth museum of anthropology, national library (built andrew carnegie), bank of guyana, company path garden, national museum of guyana , state house (built 1852) president resides, , st. george s anglican cathedral. there many churches, mosques , mandirs in georgetown.

the georgetown cenotaph, @ main , church streets, built in 1923. site of remembrance day (remembrance sunday) services in november each year.

to south of region neo-gothic city hall (1889) found, victoria law courts (1887), parliament building (1829–1834), large stabroek market (1792) containing prominent cast-iron clock tower dominates city sky line, roman catholic brickdam cathedral, city engineer house, magistrate s court, st. andrew s kirk (1818) , independence arch.

the northern area of city near atlantic coast contains splashmins fun park, fort william frederick, park , umana yana, conical thatched building built wai-wai amerindians using traditional techniques. built 1972 non-aligned foreign ministers conference. georgetown lighhouse famous landmark.

the city protected atlantic ocean georgetown seawall.

georgetown seat of university of guyana , caribbean community (caricom) secretariat both located @ turkeyen, on city s outskirts.


there many tourist attractions in georgetown, including st. george s anglican cathedral , stabroek market.

performing arts

national cultural centre auditorium

georgetown s theatre scene dominantly concentrated on stages of national cultural centre. plays staged @ theatre guild of guyana. oldest theatrical performance facility in guyana. opened in 1957 , restored in 2007.


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