United Kingdom Tipster

1 united kingdom

1.1 newspapers
1.2 television
1.3 radio
1.4 scams

united kingdom

most national newspapers in uk employ tipster or columnist provides horse racing tips. rather pick tip each race occurs on given day normal protocol provide nap , nb selection.

nap (derived card game napoleon) indicates tipster s confident selection of day.

nb = next best , indicates selection tipster rates highly.

both types of selections counted in calculating tipsters running profit/loss figure states how far in profit or loss individual if had backed every tip level stake (£1).


the popular channel 4 television programme morning line previews weekend horse racing on saturday morning culminating in panel of experts , guests providing selections day. sky sports news runs similar preview segment including expert analysis of teams , betting odds relating premier league football fixtures on saturday.


the united kingdom, morning national radio 4 today programme includes couple of racing tips in short sports section (garry richardson usual presenter, although others fill in when away) these not taken (in fact tips supplied well-known newspaper tipster): programme tracks richardson s performance tipster amusement value: quite down after correct tip @ long price.


premium tipping services charge fee accessing tip or tips telephone, internet or post. more reputable companies keep accurate record of tipping activities enabling prospective client assess past form , anticipate potential future performance. there lot of scope less reputable operations massage these figures or fabricate figures in order attract new customers. in 2008, office of fair trading state figure lost tipster scams each year between £1 million , £4 million in uk alone.

derren brown s channel 4 programme system exposed 1 method tipping services operate. giving out different tips different people (unknown each other) in horse race, 1 person must win (essentially, sweepstake). bettor won might assume received real insight race outcome tipster , may pay subsequent tips.


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