2011 Nobel Peace Prize Tawakkol Karman

from left right: tawakkul karman, leymah gbowee, , ellen johnson sirleaf display awards during presentation of nobel peace prize, 10 december 2011 (photo: harry wad).

karman became first arab woman, youngest person @ time have become nobel peace laureate , category s second muslim woman. @ 32, tawakkol karman youngest winner of nobel peace prize. younger (born 7 february 1979) mairead maguire (born 27 january 1944), co-recipient of award in 1976 , held record. in 2014, malala yousafzai, age 17, displaced karman youngest winner ever. in 2003, shirin ebadi first persian woman , first muslim woman win nobel peace prize. karman third female journalist awarded nobel after bertha von suttner in 1905 , emily greene balch in 1946. before 2011 nobel peace prize announced, 12 other women had ever been recipients in 110 years, , after presentation there 15 women.

karman, along ellen johnson sirleaf , leymah gbowee, co-recipients of 2011 nobel peace prize non-violent struggle safety of women , women’s rights full participation in peace-building work. of karman, nobel committee said: in trying circumstances, both before , during arab spring , tawakkul karman has played leading part in struggle women’s rights , democracy , peace in yemen. nobel committee cited united nations security council resolution 1325, adopted in 2000, states women , children suffer great harm war , political instability , women must have larger influence , role in peacemaking activities; [c]alls on actors involved, when negotiating , implementing peace agreements, adopt gender perspective.

upon announcing award, committee chairman thorbjørn jagland said: cannot achieve democracy , lasting peace in world unless women obtain same opportunities men influence developments @ levels of society. later added prize important signal women on world , that, despite events of arab spring, there many other positive developments in world have looked at. think little strange researchers , others have not seen them. had earlier said prize year powerful... @ same time unifying [and would] not create strong reactions single country did last year [with liu xiaobo]. 2011 prize divided equally among 3 recipients, total of 10 million swedish kronor.

in reaction award karman, while camped out in sana during ongoing anti-government protests, said: didn’t expect it. came total surprise. victory arabs around world , victory arab women , award victory of our peaceful revolution. happy, , give award of youth , of women across arab world, in egypt, in tunisia. cannot build our country or country in world without peace, adding libya, syria , yemen , youth , women, victory our demand citizenship , human rights, yemenis [are] happy on prize. fight democratic yemen continue, dedicate[s] martyrs , wounded of arab spring… in tunisia, egypt, yemen, libya , syria , free people fighting rights , freedoms , dedicate yemenis preferred make revolution peaceful facing snipers flowers. yemeni women, peaceful protesters in tunisia, egypt, , arab world. said had not known nomination , had found out award via television.

post-nobel prize

after announcement, karman traveled qatar met sheikh tamim bin hamad al thani , requested doha centre media freedom s assistance set television , radio station, named bilqis, in honour of queen of sheba, in order support female journalists , broadly educate yemeni journalists. on international advisory board of mbi al jaber media institute in yemen offers free training in aspects of journalism.

she made video message in washington, d.c. on 25 october on occasion of release of 14th annual report of observatory protection of human rights defenders (obs) international federation of human rights (fidh) , world organisation against torture (omct). report included information arab spring, yemen, , karman.

she selected first place of foreign policy top 100 global thinkers of 2011.

she has given scholarships promising students yemen study @ istanbul aydın university @ undergraduate , postgraduate level, in conjunction mbi al jaber foundation.

karman has spoken @ colleges , universities across globe. spoke @ elizabethtown college , discussed women, human rights , arab revolution.

regarding yemeni civil war (2015), blames houthis conflict.


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