Design UK pavilion at Expo 2010

close view of seeds @ end on rods in interior of building

the cathedral s architecture elaboration of heatherwick s 2003 work of sitooterie ii in essex, united kingdom. initial design strategy uk pavilion established 3 aims meet foreign commonwealth office s key expectation pavilion should become 1 of 5 popular attractions @ expo, built using half budget of other western nations. first aim design pavilion architecture direct manifestation of exhibiting. second idea ensure significant area of open public space around visitors relax , choose either enter pavilion building, or see calm, non-queuing vantage point. , thirdly, unique among hundreds of other competing pavilions, events , programmes.

the studio developed idea of uk pavilion exploring relationship between nature , cities. here came heatherwick’s idea of involving kew gardens millennium seed bank partnership mission collect seeds of 25% of world’s plant species 2020.the design process evolved produce 2 interlinked , experiential elements: architecturally iconic seed cathedral, , multi-layered landscape treatment of 6,000m2 site.

the seed cathedral consisted of on 60,000 25-foot acrylic optic fibers. housed 60,000 plant seeds @ end of acrylic rods, held in place geometrically-cut holes rods inserted therein.


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