Feeding Grey-necked wood rail

a wading grey-necked wood rail

this bird feeds @ night, eating various invertebrates , small vertebrates. while in mangroves, commonly feeds on crabs. otherwise, feed on molluscs, arthropods, frogs, seeds, berries, palm fruits, , occasional water snake. maize, rice, , bananas viable food items grey-necked wood rail. known feed on feces of giant otters @ latrines.

when eating snails, rail hammer @ shells extract them. berries, jump high break off clusters of fruit. after doing this, pick off berries 1 one , eat them. uses partially open bill probe , move aside debris leaf litter. wary , secretive, , selfish when mated. manifests in warning partner threat displays keep @ distance. so, has been seen openly forage in short grass near thickets , in streams or muddy tracks.


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