Parliamentary chambers List of European Union member states by political system

a further distinction number of chambers in national legislature; unicameral systems 1 chamber or bicameral ones lower house , upper house. federations , countries strong regional differences or regional identities bicameral, reflect regions interests in national bills. states larger populations, netherlands upwards, have bicameral system. although there greater mix among smaller states (some influenced federalist structure), smallest states on whole unicameral.

while there had been legislatures more 2 chambers (tricameral , tetracameral ones), nowadays there unicameral , bicameral ones. additionally, there differences in degree of bicameralism. whereas italy considered having perfect bicameralism , both chambers being equal, other bicameral systems restrict upper house s powers extent. there slight trend towards unicameralism; upper houses have seen powers reduced or proposals end. belgium s system has been reduced bicameral 1 nowadays de facto unicameral system. in 2009, romania voted in favour of unicameralism, on plebiscite, country still has bicameral system, of 2017. on other hand, ireland narrowly voted against abolishing upper house in 2013, , italy voted not reduce senate s powers in 2016.

in member states of european union, if parliament has 1 chamber, wholly directly elected in cases. if there 2 chambers, lower house directly elected in cases, while upper house can directly elected (e.g. senate of poland); or indirectly elected, example, regional legislatures (e.g. federal council of austria); or non-elected, representing interest groups (e.g. national council of slovenia); or non-elected (though , large appointed elected officials) remnant of non-democratic political system in earlier times (as in house of lords in united kingdom).


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