Aftermath Trisakti shootings

in aftermath of shooting, riots broke out throughout indonesia.

public outrage against shootings became catalyst indonesian riots of may 1998, included pogrom against chinese-indonesians. 1,200 people killed, trapped inside buildings set alight. result of riots , similar ones nationwide, president suharto resigned on 21 may 1998. suharto s successor, bacharuddin jusuf habibie, called elang mulia lesmana, heri hertanto, hafidin royan, , hendriawan sie reform heroes


in november 2000, announced police summoned questioning eleven officers suspected of involvement military police. year s end, however, none of suspects had been questioned.

the indonesian national commission on human rights (indonesian: komisi nasional hak asasi manusia) reopened investigation in 2008 , submitted findings indonesian attorney general s office. attorney general s office declared investigation complete , returned documentation.

as of may 2011, indonesian government has not closed investigation events or punished of responsible, though there have been demonstrations, rallies, , calls expedition in 2008, 2010, , 2011. deputy attorney general of indonesia, darmono, has promised investigate incident further.


trisakti museum (aka may 12 tragedy museum) established @ trisakti university in commemoration of incident.


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