L.C3.BCneburg War of Succession Principality of Lüneburg

when william ii of lüneburg died in 1369 without son, first house of lüneburg became extinct. according welf house rules , desire of william, duke magnus ii torquatus of brunswick have been rightful heir. emperor charles iv, however, considered imperial fiefdom, however, , granted principality albert of saxe-wittenberg , uncle wenceslas, precipitating lüneburg war of succession.

the town of lüneburg supported wittenbergs , took opportunity escape immediate influence of duke, destroying ducal castle on kalkberg on 1 february 1371 , forcing him relocate residence celle. attempt on 21 october 1371, st. ursula s day, overthrow lüneburg militarily , secure old ducal rights, failed. in military conflict followed, neither brunswicks nor wittenbergs able enforce claims, , peace of hanover in 1373, ended war, @ least time. according agreement reached there, welfs , wittenbergs rule alternately.

magnus torquatus had died in 1373, treaty between 2 contending houses further reinforced marriage of 2 eldest sons, frederick , bernard i, 2 daughters of wenceslas , marriage of magnus s widow albert of saxe-wittenberg. younger brother of frederick , bernard, henry mild refused, however, accept agreement , continued prosecute war. not until after battle of winsen in 1388, when wenceslas lost life, wittenbergs gave claims , principality secured welfs.


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