Philosophy Miguel de Unamuno

unamuno seen ramon casas (mnac).

unamuno s philosophy not systematic rather negation of systems , affirmation of faith in itself. developed intellectually under influence of rationalism , positivism, during youth wrote articles show sympathy socialism , great concern situation in found spain @ time. important concept unamuno intrahistoria. thought history best understood looking @ small histories of anonymous people, rather focusing on major events such wars , political pacts.

some authors relativize importance of intrahistoria in thinking. authors more clear concept ambiguous metaphor. term first appears in essay en torno al casticismo (1895), unamuno leaves soon.

in late nineteenth century unamuno suffered religious crisis , left positivist philosophy. then, in twentieth century, developed own thinking influenced existentialism.

unamuno s del sentimiento trágico de la vida (the tragic sense of life) (1912) 2 other works — la agonía del cristianismo (the agony of christianity) (1931) , novella san manuel bueno, mártir (1930) — included on index librorum prohibitorum.

life tragic, according unamuno, because of knowledge die. explains of human activity attempt survive, in form, after our death.

unamuno summarized personal creed thus: religion seek truth in life , life in truth, knowing shall not find them while live. said, among men of flesh , bone there have been typical examples of possess tragic sense of life. recall marcus aurelius, st. augustine, pascal, rousseau, rené, obermann, thomson, leopardi, vigny, lenau, kleist, amiel, quental, kierkegaard—men burdened wisdom rather knowledge. provides stimulating discussion of differences between faith , reason in book tragic sense of life.

a historically influential paperfolder childhood last, difficult days, in several works unamuno ironically expressed philosophical views of platonism, scholasticism, positivism, , science vs religion issue in terms of origami figures, notably traditional spanish pajarita. since linguist (professor of greek), coined word “cocotología” ( cocotology ) describe art of paper folding. after conclusion of amor y pedagogía (love , pedagogy, 1902), included in volume, attributing 1 of characters, notes treatise on cocotology ( apuntes para un tratado de cocotología ).

unamuno s pájaro sabio (wise bird)


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