State basic education funding Ambridge Area School District

1 state basic education funding

1.1 accountability block grants
1.2 classrooms future grant
1.3 environmental education grant
1.4 education assistance grant

state basic education funding

according report representative todd stephens office, ambridge area school district receives 42.2% of annual revenue state.

in december 2014, pennsylvania education funding reform commission conducted hearing. testimony given regarding state funding @ fastest growing districts , greatest decline in enrollment since 1996. commission developed new basic education funding formula sets new way distribute state basic education dollars. abolished practice of hold harmless funding, gave districts @ least same got previous school year regardless of declining enrollment. plan became law in june 2016 (house bill 1552).

for 2016-17 school year, ambridge area school district received $10,734,465 in basic education funding commonwealth of pennsylvania. 2.6% increase on 2015-16 funding district. highest percentage of bef increase in beaver county 3.9% awarded big beaver falls area school district , midland borough school district under state’s basic education funding formula. 2016-17 school year, pennsylvania increased public education spending record high of $5,895 billion. $200 million increase, 3.51% increase on 2015-16 appropriation. state funded ready learn grants @ $250 million , special education funding received $20 million increase. state paid $492 million school employee social security fund , $2.064 billion teacher’s pension fund. statewide conestoga valley school district received 13.3% increase in state bef funding. 5 pa public school districts received increase of 10% or greater in basic education funding on 2015-16 funding.

for 2015-16 school year, governor tom wolf released partial basic education funding of $5,079,336 ambridge area school district, in january 2016. part of $10.3 billion in school funding withheld public schools, governor since summer of 2015. dispersement did not follow new basic education fair funding formula had been established pennsylvania general assembly in june 2015.

in compliance legislative mandate passed veto proof majorities in pa house , senate, final bef funding determined 2015-16, in april 2016. ambridge area school district received $10,461,449 in basic education funds 2015-16 school year. 2.81% increase yielding $227,043 increase on previous school year funding. district received $314,428 in ready learn funding state.

for 2014-15 school year, ambridge area school district received $10,253,129 in state basic education funding. district received $329,510 in new ready learn block grant. state’s enacted education budget included $5,526,129,000 2014-2015 basic education funding. education budget included accountability block grant funding @ $100 million , $241 million in new ready learn funding public schools focus on student achievement , academic success. state paid $500.8 million social security on school employees behalf , $1.16 billion state teachers pension system (psers). in total, pennsylvania’s education budget k-12 public schools $10 billion. $305 million increase on 2013-2014 state spending , greatest amount ever allotted commonwealth public schools.

in 2013-14 school year, ambridge area school district received 1.9% increase or $10,255,669 in pennsylvania basic education funding. $189,759 more 2012-13 state bef district. additionally, ambridge area school district received $71,204 in accountability block grant funding focus on academic achievement , level funding special education services. among public school districts in beaver county, midland borough school district received highest percentage increase in bef @ 10.2%. district had option of applying several other state , federal grants increase revenues. commonwealth’s budget increased basic education funding statewide $123 million on $5.5 billion. of pennsylvania’s 500 public school districts received increase of basic education funding in range of 0.9% 4%. 8 public school districts received exceptionally high funding increases of 10% 16%. highest increase in state funding awarded austin area school district received 22.5% increase in basic education funding. highest percent of state spending per student in chester-upland school district, 78 percent comes state coffers. in philadelphia, 49 percent. part of education budget, state provided psers (pennsylvania school employee pension fund) $1,017,000,000 , social security payments school employees of $495 million.

for 2012-13 school year, ambridge area school district received $10,065,910. governor s executive budget 2012-2013 included $9.34 billion kindergarten through 12th grade public education, including $5.4 billion in basic education funding, increase of $49 million on 2011-12 budget. in addition, commonwealth provided $100 million accountability block grant (abg) program. state provided $544.4 million payment school employees’ social security , $856 million school employees’ retirement fund called psers. amount $21,823,000 increase (0.34%) on 2011-2012 appropriations basic education funding, school employees social security, pupil transportation, nonpublic , charter school pupil transportation. since taking office, corbett’s first 2 budgets have restored more $918 million in support of public schools, compensating $1 billion in federal stimulus dollars lost @ end of 2010-11 school year.

for 2011-12 school year, ambridge area school district received $10,065,910 in state basic education funding. additionally, district received $157,573 in accountability block grant funding. enacted pennsylvania state education budget includes $5,354,629,000 2011-2012 basic education funding appropriation. amount $233,290,000 increase (4.6%) on enacted state appropriation 2010-2011. highest increase in state basic education funding awarded duquesne city school district, got 49% increase in state funding 2011-12. in 2010, district reported 1,108 pupils received free or reduced-price lunch due family meeting federal poverty level.

for 2010-11 budget year, ambridge area school district received 4.36% increase in state basic education funding total of $10,828,160. highest increase in state funding among beaver county school districts midland borough school district @ 7.57%. 1 hundred fifty school districts in pennsylvania received 2% base increase budget year 2010-11. highest increase in state awarded kennett consolidated school district of chester county given 23.65% increase in state basic education funding. state s hold harmless policy regarding state basic education funding continued district received @ least same amount year before, enrollment had declined. amount of increase each school district received set governor edward rendell , secretary of education gerald zahorchak, part of state budget proposal given each february. second year of governor rendell’s policy fund districts @ far greater rate others.

in 2009-10 budget year, commonwealth of pennsylvania provided 3.08% increase in basic education funding total of $10,375,907. 4 county school districts received increases of on 4% in basic education funding in 2008-10. big beaver falls area school district received 5.26% increase. majority of beaver county districts received 2% increase in bef. in pennsylvania, on 15 school districts received basic education funding increases in excess of 10% in 2009. muhlenberg school district in berks county received highest 22.31% increase in funding. in contrast, ninety (90) public school districts received base 2% increase.

in 2008-09, state s basic education funding ambridge area school district $10,065,910.42 amount of increase each school district received determined governor , secretary of education through allocation set in state budget proposal made in february each year.

accountability block grants

beginning in 2004-2005, state launched accountability block grant school funding. program has provided $1.5 billion pennsylvania’s school districts. accountability block grant program requires taxpayer dollars focused on specific interventions increase student academic achievement. these interventions include: teacher training, all-day kindergarten, lower class size k-3rd grade, literacy , math coaching programs provide teachers individualized job-embedded professional development improve instruction, before or after school tutoring assistance struggling students. 2010-11, district applied , received $427,691 in addition other state , federal funding. district used funding provide longer school day/year, student tutoring after school , implementing research-based instruction improvement strategies.

classrooms future grant

ambridge participated in pennsylvania s classrooms future grant initiative during 2008/2009 school year receiving $107,792. board did not apply first 2 years. program discontinued commonwealth in 2009, due severe tax receipts shortfall in state government precipitated national financial crisis of 2008. in beaver county largest grant went freedom area school district got $476,723. highest funding statewide awarded philadelphia city school district in philadelphia county - $9,409,073. in 2010, classrooms future funding curtailed statewide due massive state financial crisis.

environmental education grant

the environmental education grant program established environmental education act of 1993, mandates 5 percent of pollution fines , penalties collected annually department of environmental protection set aside environmental education. in 2010, ambridge area school district did not apply participate in funding.

education assistance grant

the state s eap funding provides continuing support of tutoring services , other programs address academic needs of eligible students. funds available eligible school districts , full-time career , technology centers (ctc) in 1 or more schools have failed meet @ least 1 academic performance target, provided in section 1512-c of pennsylvania public school code. in 2010-11 ambridge area school district did not apply funding.


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