Population and Society Allauch

1 population , society

1.1 demography
1.2 distribution of age groups
1.3 education
1.4 security
1.5 cultural events , festivals
1.6 cultural , sporting activities
1.7 health

population , society

in 2009 commune had 18,646 inhabitants. evolution of number of inhabitants known through population censuses conducted in commune since 1793. 21st century, census of communes fewer 10,000 inhabitants held every 5 years, unlike larger towns have sample survey every year.

population change (see database)

sources : ldh/ehess/cassini until 1962, insee database 1968 (population without double counting , municipal population 2006)

distribution of age groups

percentage distribution of age groups in allauch , bouches-du-rhône department in 2009


evolution , structure of population of commune in 2009, insee.
evolution , structure of population of department in 2009, insee.

since 1962 death rate has overtaken birth rate: population grew 10,379 people on 37 years net migration of 11,146 people offsetting natural decrease of 767 inhabitants on period.

of 18,943 inhabitants in 1999, 10,060 lived in same housing in 1990, 2,304 lived somewhere else within commune, 5,182 lived elsewhere in department, 277 elsewhere in region, 842 elsewhere in france, 34 lived in dom-tom , 144 abroad.


each school has computer site 10 computers, printer, scanner , internet connection. school bus free. 1,500 meals prepared daily in allauch central kitchen , transported in heated units schools. each student entering grade 2 undergoes dental screening , receives dictionary provided municipality. sports instructors , lifeguards involved in each class children can engage in physical activity provided professional. spectacle offered kindergarten children @ christmas , elementary classes benefit €120 per teacher complete library , buy cds. prevention sessions , training provided departmental educational committee health.

since 1994 allauch has had college attended 950 students. laptop internet connection paid general council each fourth , third level student. system of online scores college students allows communication between parents, teachers, , students simplifying administrative work.

the parents of students , municipality fighting implementation of college in commune.


allauch part of public security district of marseille has 13th highest crime rate of 400 metropolitan districts of public safety. no details of crime in commune or allauch town available.

cultural events , festivals

throughout year there many events in commune:

traditional festivals

the fire of saint-jean concludes week of festivities
at saint-clair 6 pigs roasted on spit night , sold @ auction
the feast of saint-laurent parade in traditional costumes

themed fairs , markets

universe of marcel pagnol
old trades of provence such fishermen or shepherds
wine fair , local products
soaps of marseille

exhibitions of paintings or photos.

during night before christmas there midnight mass , provençal living nativity runs down descent of shepherds sound of fifes, tambourines, bells, , bleating.

in summer in allauch there original , diverse programme accessible all. these take place in majestic site of bastide de fontvieille concerts of classical music, intimate shows, etc., , in theatre of nature larger events such ballets, plays, , musicals. allow public discover talented artists , stage directors, known or unknown, local or national.

two major events organized tourist office: crib in black light gilbert orsini in december , january of each year , biennial of contemporary art.

cultural , sporting activities

allauch has rare museum of sacred art of france permanent collection of international renown , offers range of temporary exhibitions on theme of religion or local culture.

the commune has 5 community centres offer activities close home such ballet, modern jazz, hip-hop, gymnastics, martial arts, painting workshops, mosaic , sculpture, theatre, guitar or piano lessons, yoga, sports, , scholastic support courses.

the commune manages , maintains many facilities available twenty sports associations: team sports, gymnastics, swimming, judo, tennis, triathlon, modern pentathlon, tae kwon do, , kick boxing.

every monday, wednesday , friday in july , august 8pm 1am, young people aged 14 25 years can enjoy free sports facilities supervised qualified personnel (sports trainers, bafa facilitators, lifeguards, etc.). minibus service free. in days when sommer sport on, young people 12–17 years old can learn new skills in unusual sports such tree climbing, netball, or futsal.

every year there are: la ronde allauch foot race, cyclo-cross, , trail of green canton.

allauch has 13-hole golf course.


the central hospital of allauch public health unit of 280 beds , places including 30-bed alzheimer care unit, 25-bed nursing home, , 79 places in nursing homes care elderly , disabled people.

it has total budget of 17 million euros , more 310 employees. 75% of patients on 75 years old when enter hospital.

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