Bibliography Ivan Yefremov

1 bibliography

1.1 fiction
1.2 non-fiction
1.3 scientific works



the land of foam (at edge of oikoumene known great arc, 1946)
andromeda: space-age tale (andromeda nebula, 1957, 1959)
razor s edge (1963)
the bull s hour (1968)
thais of athens (thais athenian, 1972)

short fiction

olgoi-khorkhoi (1944)
meeting on tuscarora (1944)
stellar ships (1944)
cutty sark (1944)
nur-i-desht observatory (1944)
heart of serpent (cor serpentis, 1958, 1961)
yurt of raven (1959)
aphaneor, arkharkhellen s daughter (1959)
5 paintings (1965)


road of winds (1956)

scientific works

ivan yefremov has written more 100 scientific works, permian tetrapods found in russia, , on taphonomy. few of them published in languages other russian. below list of works published in german or english. source - book ivan antonovich yefremov petr tchudinov (issued in 1987 publishing house nauka , moscow)

bentosaurus sushkini, ein neuer labyrinthodont aus den permo-triassischen ablagerungen des scharchenga-flussess, nord-duna gouvernement, izvestia akademii nauk sssr (proceedings of acad. sci. ussr. phys. , math.), n. 8, p. 757-770 (1929)
Über die labyrinthodonten der udussr. ii. permische labyrinthodonten des früheren gouvernement wjatka, trudy paleozoologicheskogo instituta (proceedings of paleozoological institute), vol. 2, p. 117-158 (1933)
some new permian reptiles of ussr, comptes rendus (doklady) acad. sci. ussr. paleontol., vol 19, n 9, p. 771-776 (1938)
die mesen-fauna der permischen reptilien, neues jahrb. min. geol. pal., bd. 84. abt. b, s.379-466 (1940)
kurze Übersicht uber die formen der perm- und trias tetrapoden - fauna der udssr, centralbl. min. geol., abt. b. n 12, s. 372-383 (1940)
taphonomy: new branch of paleontology, pan-amer. geol., vol. 74, p. 81-93 (1940)
ulemosaurus svijagensis riab. - ein deinocephale aus den ablagerungen des perm der udssr, nove acta leopold. (n. f.). bd 9, s. 155-205 (1940)
the godwana system of india, , live history in later paleozoic, j. paleontol. soc. india, lucknow d.n. wadia jubilee number, vol. 2, p. 24-28 (1957)
some consideration on biological bases of paleontology, vertebr. palasiatica, vol 2, n. 2/3, p. 83-99 (1958)


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