D-Day 27th Armoured Brigade

men of no. 4 commando engaged in house house fighting germans @ riva bella, near ouistreham. sherman dd tanks of b squadron, 13th/18th royal hussars providing fire support , cover, 6 june 1944.

on morning of d-day sea rough , 27th armoured brigade s commander, brigadier g.e. prior-palmer, in conjunction captain bush, royal navy, decided launch dd tanks closer inshore had been planned. thirty-four out of 40 dd tanks of , b squadrons of 13/18th hussars launched lcts (landing craft tank) 5000 yards sword. 1 sank , remainder made slow progress in heavy seas , overtaken leading landing craft carrying infantry , flail tanks. 2 dd tanks rammed landing craft , lost on run in. remaining 6 tanks of 13/18th hussars taken in beach aboard lct. regiment lost 6 tanks knocked out in surf , 4 shortly after, leaving 27 support infantry in advance off beach. 1 squadron supported 1st battalion, suffolk regiment in attack on hillman strongpoint. squadron assisted no. 4 commando capture ouistreham on left flank of beachhead. c squadron landed last, towing waterproofed sledges containing ammunition reserve, took long time clear of beach.

the shermans of staffordshire yeomanry landed later on morning of d-day support 185th brigade, spearhead of 3rd division s attack inland. unit of conventional tanks landed day on sword. advance led mobile column of 2nd battalion, king s shropshire light infantry (ksli) riding on staffordshire yeomanry s tanks, @ noon infantry s heavy weapons still held on congested beaches, , tanks minefield. leading tanks caught infantry @ periers rise, 4 tanks knocked out flank fire german guns in wood, had dealt with. 1600 hours 1 squadron of staffordshire yeomanry advanced infantry , self-propelled 17-pounders 20th anti-tank regiment, royal artillery @ beuville , bieville on direct road caen, second supporting attack on hillman , , third guarding flank @ point 61 on periers rise. afterwards scouting troop of staffordshires reported 40 german tanks advancing fast. these 22 panzer regiment 22 major-general edgar feuchtinger s 21st panzer division, equipped panzer iv tanks, supplemented obsolete french somua s35 tanks , self-propelled anti-tank guns on various french chassis. these panzers had taken losses when attacked typhoon fighter-bombers on road caen.

the staffordshire squadron hillman brought up, , several of german tanks knocked out staffordshires , anti-tank guns of 2nd ksli , 20th a/t regt. panzers turned aside woods, pursued yeomanry , field-gun fire, , took further losses when showed again. drawing off second time, panzers reinforced , made wide detour towards periers ridge. here met , driven off squadron positioned there. british claimed 13 panzers knocked out loss of 1 sp gun. fuechtinger later reported division lost 54 out of 124 tanks in these actions , earlier typhoon attacks. however, @ nightfall division still interposed between british corps , objective, city of caen. city did not fall month, dislocating british operations.

the third regiment of 27th armoured brigade, east riding yeomanry (also equipped sherman dd tanks) landed later on d-day 3rd division s reserve, 9th brigade group.


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