Design Mordin Solus

concept art mordin s costume, featuring other suggested designs.

when creating salarians, on designers played around general image of gray alien archetype, having big eyes , grey skin. however, unlike regular gray aliens, salarians ended concave torso , doglike legs. different concepts of salarians drawn, though many rejected being human-looking. unlike of other races, salarians more of warrior poets , have higher sense of culture. heavy eyelids , long face add more sophistication. big black eyes express tranquility , alertness . concave chest more alien, unusual structure, , differed of other races. structure led stylistic choices clothing, under idea d stuff fabric there after meeting other races, art director matt rhodes compared bald man wearing toupée .

mordin s design tried balance scientific side , ability combat-ready tech specialist due time in salarian special forces. final appearance resembles labcoat, , similar other medical characters in series. metal collar serves break silhouette, though serves no purpose in dialogue or lore. sketches explored him field medic or experienced scientist.

other concepts tried altering head horns , eyeshape make him unique. in finished design, mordin missing 1 horn, unexplained origins left player s imagination. missing horn given alternate in-universe explanations in second game s lair of shadow broker downloadable content pack , in mass effect: foundation comic series. design brief mordin asked clint eastwood salarian like? , , end 1 piece of concept art directly took features picture of eastwood , incorporated them on salarian, leading mordin s aged look. compared other salarians, mordin s skin color more mottled , multi-colored, while eyes smaller, if in permanent squint.


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