Government assistance Reservation poverty
1 government assistance
1.1 types of assistance
1.2 percent receiving aid
1.3 problems existing data
1.4 government assistance on ten largest reservations
1.5 local reform efforts
1.6 anti-poverty programs
government assistance
types of assistance
reservation residents eligible federal social assistance programs, including temporary aid needy families (tanf), supplemental security income (ssi), , food stamp programs. in addition, food distribution on indian reservations (fdpir), called commodities, provides in-kind handouts of food. program result of treaties established in nineteenth , twentieth centuries included provisions government provide food , shelter tribal members. each reservation has commodities office, monthly food supplies given out.
unfortunately, food tends nonperishable, heavy on simple starches, , nutritionally deficient, contributing high rates of obesity , diabetes on reservations. public assistance not reduce poverty on reservation. although may keep many families being unable survive, not build economies, reinstitute cultural institutions, or create source of pride reservation residents.
percent receiving aid
the percent of reservation residents eligible government aid tends higher of general population. on ten largest reservations, percent of residents receiving cash assistance ranges 4 fifteen times national average. in addition, higher portion of reservation residents eligible supplemental security income. on average, ten percent of population on largest reservations eligible ssi benefits, compared 8 percent of americans. percentage of reservation residents eligible social security benefits comparable of national population.
problems existing data
relatively little current, valid data exists today s reservations. annual demographic surveys not have large enough reservation-based sample present data. researchers gathering data on american indians differentiate between reservation residents , non-reservation residents, though there huge differences in lifestyles , tension between groups. furthermore, rural nature of many reservations, lack of available contact information , telephone numbers, protective rules tribal councils, , distrust of outsiders present data collection challenges. lastly, overwhelming majority of research focuses on pine ridge , navajo reservations, suggesting need more comparative analyses of conditions on individual reservations.
government assistance on ten largest reservations
figures 2000 census.
local reform efforts
the federal government allows tribes authority in creating own versions of temporary assistance needy families (tanf) federal monies. such programs must abide federal regulations, such 60-month limitation, may incorporate aspects of culture , tradition requirements aid. economist elizabeth zahrt geib stressed potential tribes define work purposes of welfare distribution include traditional tasks , arts more in line native lifestyles before reservation system created.
the tanana chiefs conference of alaska , lac du flambeau bank of lake superior chippewa of wisconsin have included hunting , fishing work activities purposes of welfare distribution. in addition, locally controlled welfare programs mean easier application processes , increased accessibility offices, allowing greater number of eligible individuals become recipients.
the amount of money made available tribes calculated amount individual states made available reservation residents in years prior. unfortunately, many states did not educate reservation residents on procedures applying aid, meaning number of receiving individuals less number of eligible individuals, , limiting amount made available.
anti-poverty programs
across country, individuals , organizations both on , off reservations fighting reduce poverty discussed above. efforts have focused on gaming casinos, tribal economic entrepreneurship, , cultural revival.
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