Greece Demographic history of Macedonia

races of eastern europe alexander gross, published geographia ltd. in daily telegraph, 1918.

following defeat of axis powers , evacuation of nazi occupation forces many members of ohrana joined snof still pursue goal of secession. advance of red army bulgaria in september 1944, withdrawal of german armed forces greece in october, meant bulgarian army had withdraw greek macedonia , thrace. large proportion of bulgarians , slavic speakers emigrated there. in 1944 declarations of bulgarian nationality estimated greek authorities, on basis of monthly returns, have reached 16,000 in districts of german-occupied greek macedonia, according british sources, declarations of bulgarian nationality throughout western macedonia reached 23,000.

by 1945 world war ii had ended , greece in open civil war. has been estimated after end of world war ii on 40,000 people fled greece yugoslavia , bulgaria. extent collaboration of peasants germans, italians, bulgarians or greek people s liberation army (elas) determined geopolitical position of each village. depending upon whether village vulnerable attack greek communist guerrillas or occupation forces, peasants opt support side in relation vulnerable. in both cases, attempt promise freedom (autonomy or independence) formerly persecuted slavic minority means of gaining support.

the national liberation front (nof) organized political , military groups of slavic minority in greece, active 1945 1949. interbellum time when part of them came conclusion macedonians. greek hostility slavic minority produced tensions rose separatism. after recognition in 1934 comintern of macedonian ethnicity, greek communists have recognized macedonian national identity. after first free territories created decided ethnic macedonian schools open in area controlled dse. books written in ethnic macedonian language published, while ethnic macedonians theatres , cultural organizations operated. within nof, female organization, women s antifascist front (afzh), , youth organization, national liberation front of youth (onom), formed.

the creation of ethnic macedonian cultural institutions in democratic army of greece (dse)-held territory, newspapers , books published nof, public speeches , schools opened, helped consolidation of ethnic macedonian conscience , identity among population. according information announced paskal mitrovski on plenum of nof on august 1948 - 85% of slavic-speaking population in greek macedonia has ethnic macedonian self-identity. language thought in schools official language of socialist republic of macedonia. 20,000 young ethnic macedonians learned read , write using language, , learned own history.

from 1946 until end of civil war in 1949, nof loyal greece , fighting minimal human rights within borders of greek republic. in order mobilize more ethnic macedonians dse declared on 31 january 1949 @ 5th meeting of kke central committee when dse took power in greece there independent macedonian state, united in geographical borders. new line of kke affected mobilisation rate of ethnic macedonians (which earlier considerably high), did not manage, ultimately, change course of war.

distribution of races in balkan peninsula , asia minor in 1918, national geographic

the government forces destroyed every village on way, , expelled civilian population. leaving result of force or on own accord (in order escape repression , retaliation), 50,000 people left greece retreating dse forces. of them sent eastern bloc countries. not until 1970s of them allowed come socialist republic of macedonia. in 1980s, greek parliament adopted law of national reconciliation allowed dse members of greek origin repatriate greece, given land. ethnic macedonian dse remembers remained excluded terms of legislation.

on august 20, 2003, rainbow party hosted reception child refugees , ethnic macedonian children fled homes during greek civil war permitted enter greece maximum of 20 days. elderly, first time many of them saw birthplaces , families in 55 years. reception included relatives of refugees living in greece , members of rainbow party. however, many refused entry greek border authorities because passports listed former names of places of birth.

the present number of slavophones in greece has been subject speculation varying numbers. greece not hold census based on self-determination , mother tongue, no official data available. should noted, however, official macedonian slav party in greece receives @ average 1000 votes. more information region , population see greek macedonia.


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