Main Campus Academic buildings Campus of Virginia Tech

1 main campus academic buildings

1.1 agnew hall
1.2 bishop-favrao hall
1.3 burchard hall
1.4 cowgill hall
1.5 davidson hall
1.6 derring hall
1.7 durham hall
1.8 norris hall
1.9 military building

1.9.1 joseph f. ware, jr. advanced engineering lab

1.10 other academic buildings
1.11 blacksburg academic facilities

main campus academic buildings

burruss hall, main administration building , iconic symbol of virginia tech blacksburg campus.

cowgill hall burchard hall in foreground

norris hall

agnew hall

named after ella graham agnew, first woman receive field appointment u.s. department of agriculture, agnew hall constructed in 1940. building used department of agriculture , life sciences. in 2009, $1.6  million renovation took place added lab space first floor department of biological systems engineering. agnew hall constructed @ cost of $42,525.

bishop-favrao hall

bishop-favrao hall home department of building construction, under college of architecture , urban studies (caus), , myers-lawson school of construction. of building has systems exposed students can see them , learn systems. bishop-favrao completed in december 2007 , named after richard bishop , william favrao, department of building construction s founder , department head until 1977.

burchard hall

constructed in 1998 , names after charles burchard, founding dean of college of architecture , urban studies between 1964 , 1979, burchard hall provides studio space students in architecture , industrial design programs. building provides office , classroom spaces specialized studio space. burchard hall constructed underground , has 4 pyramidal skylights illuminate studio spaces below. 1 can access burchard hall via either of 3 access portals on roof , or through ground-floor entrances. burchard hall has walkway connecting nearby cowgill hall.

cowgill hall

cowgill hall, located on perry street, home of virginia tech s college of architecture , urban studies. named clinton cowgill, retired in 1956 after 28 years architecture department head.

in 2006 cowgill hall named winner of virginia society of american institute of architects test of time award. award presented annually building has served same function @ least 25 years.

davidson hall

davidson hall contains office space, teaching labs, , classrooms. constructed in 1928, additions structure completed in 1933 , 1938; structure renovated between 1964 , 1965. named in honor of robert james davidson, dean of department of applied sciences, department home department of chemistry. davidson fellow of american association advancement of science, member of washington academy of science, member of american chemical society, , served president of national association of official agricultural chemists, in 1903. davidson delegate international congress of applied chemistry @ london, in 1909.

in 2012 $31 million renovation of davidson hall broke ground. when completed, davidson hall have modern research laboratories, office space, new classrooms, , 300-person auditorium. of may 2014, substantial completion expected in may 2014.

derring hall

derring hall, five-story building, constructed in 1969 , contains offices, classroom space, , laboratories biological sciences , geosciences programs @ virginia tech. building named after paul neyron derring, popular administrator students, stricken blind @ age of thirteen. derring served on state commission visually handicapped , served on blacksburg town council.

durham hall

durham hall, $16 million project, opened in 1998 , called new engineering building , or neb , until 2001. named in honor of fred d. durham, co-founder of dover corporation, fortune 500 manufacturing company located in new york city.

norris hall

norris hall 4 story (1 floor below grade) hokie stone academic building located between burruss , holden halls. 2 wings of building, built in 1960 , 1962, encompass approximately 70,000 gross square feet , house main office department of engineering science , mechanics, room 219, , used house dean s office college of engineering, room 333, building has been home department of engineering science , mechanics, room 223, fifty years, , named earl bertram norris, served dean of engineering twenty-four years between 1928 , 1952.

norris hall location of second shooting attack during virginia tech shootings on april 16, 2007. building site of 31 of 33 fatalities (including gunman), , 17 wounded faculty , students. building closed rest of 2007 spring semester, , reopened access limited faculty , students legitimate business inside @ remaining offices , laboratories on june 18, 2007. on december 20, 2007, announced second floor of norris renovated , become home center peace studies , violence prevention.

on april 10, 2009, ceremony held commemorate reopening of west wing of norris hall. area consists of 6 reconfigured rooms , laboratories , home new center peace studies , violence prevention department of engineering science , mechanics. renovation project completed in march 2009 @ cost of approximately 1 million dollars; many goods , services donated individuals , contractors in support of project. department head of engineering science , mechanics, dr. ishwar puri played leading role in reoccupation of norris hall department housed. among other roles, spoke @ april 10 ceremony.

military building

originally constructed in 1936 , renovated in 1998, military building located on upper quad. base of operations virginia tech rescue squad , home army, navy, , air force rotc programs. houses college of engineering s joseph f. ware, jr. advanced engineering lab.

joseph f. ware, jr. advanced engineering lab

joseph f. ware, jr.

lane hall added national register of historic places in 2015.

the drillfield looking towards newman library

work began on joseph f. ware, jr. advanced engineering lab (ware lab) in 1997, in collaboration of joseph f. ware, jr., wife jennifer jenna ware, msw, lcsw, atp/cfi, , hayden griffin, ph.d. of virginia tech., , ware lab opened september 4, 1998. lab named after founder , 1937 mechanical engineering alumnus joseph f. ware, jr. part of college of engineering, ware lab home many student-based research , design projects. focused on hands-on-learning environment, students encouraged participate in these projects freshman year. klages machine shop located within ware lab , equipped various machine tools used project manufacturing, including 2 numerical control (cnc) machines. lab home such notable teams hybrid electric vehicle team, formula sae (vt motorsports), bolt electric motorcycle team , baja sae team. other teams in lab include aisc steel bridge (sbt), design build fly (dbf), , autonomous aerial vehicle team (aavt).

torgersen bridge on alumni mall

moss arts center

litton-reaves hall contains classrooms , labs department of animal , poultry sciences

hutcheson hall houses offices , classrooms

other academic buildings

other academic buildings on blacksburg campus:

art , design learning center
cheatham hall
dairy science complex
engel hall
femoyer hall
food science , technology
fralin biotechnology center
goodwin hall (formerly signature engineering building )
hahn hall (formerly chemistry/physics)
hancock hall
holden hall
hutcheson hall
lane hall
litton reaves hall
major williams hall
mcbryde hall
newman library
pamplin hall
patton hall
performing arts building
price hall
randolph hall
robeson hall
sandy hall
saunders hall
seitz hall
shanks hall
smyth hall
theatre 101
torgersen hall
virginia-maryland regional college of veterinary medicine
wallace hall
whittemore hall
williams hall

blacksburg academic facilities


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