Past themes Speak Good English Movement

1 past themes

1.1 speak well. understood. (2000–2004)

1.1.1 2000–01
1.1.2 2001–02
1.1.3 2002–03
1.1.4 2003–04
1.1.5 2004–05

1.2 speak up. speak out. speak well. (2005–06)
1.3 understood. not in singapore, malaysia , batam (2006–07)
1.4 rock world! express (2007–08)
1.5 rock word – social networking initiative
1.6 can (2008–09)
1.7 impress. inspire. intoxicate. (2009–10)
1.8 right (2010–11)

past themes

since 2003, speak english movement has been launched annually year-long programmes , activities held island-wide increase awareness among singaporeans speaking english matters in daily lives. each year different theme focusing on target audience created. themes used in campaign far are:

2000–2004: speak well. understood.
2005–06: speak up. speak out. speak well
2006–07: understood. not in singapore, malaysia , batam
2007–08: rock world! express yourself
2008–09: can
2009–10: impress. inspire. intoxicate.
2010–11: right
2011/12: how speak makes difference
2012/13: make english stick

speak well. understood. (2000–2004)

in 1999, prime minister goh chok tong highlighted problem of speaking singlish in national day rally. year later in april 2000, officially launched speak english movement tagline speak well, understood . stressed importance of speaking standard english , reducing use of singlish, singapore hub city , open economy need interact english-speaking foreigners. singaporeans use chinese syntax , literal translations of chinese phrases while speaking english, make utterances seem truncated , incomprehensible foreigners. in rally, prime minister stressed if speak corrupted form of english not understood others, lose key competitive advantage. movement spearheaded committee of people in private sector led colonel (ns) david wong, senior adviser consulting company ernst , young. target audience singaporeans under 40, included young working adults, parents , students in schools, tertiary institutes, polytechnics , technical institutes. launch kick-started week-long festival packed events such plays , speech marathon.

later in year, public sector organised year-long programmes part of movement. 1 such event seminar held singapore teachers union (stu) @ shangri-la hotel, attended 500 participants teachers. seminar emphasised power of pronunciation , teaching of grammar, , encouraged teachers teach english in more creative ways in schools using dramas , role-playing. other highlights in 2000 included launch of grammar matters, series of 5 books using comics illustrate correct use of grammar regional english language center in support of movement.


from 2001–2002, reported increasingly, singaporeans becoming more aware , acknowledging importance of speaking english. british council continued operate toll-free line giving english lessons. reportedly, year 2001 saw 250,000 callers while there 170,000 callers in 2002. also, inter-school scrabble competition, in 54 primary schools participated, held kick off year s events in april 2002.


according government, more singaporeans recognised need speak well, , took steps improve spoken english. programmes organised sgem partners such people’s association , british council received.


in 2003, movement, in fourth year, aimed not encourage singaporeans speak speak simple english. chairman wong said, may afraid use english, s not natural them. year encourage people try. have go if can t speak well, if cannot use long words, if can t use long sentences, s not important. idea use simple words, simple sentences , convey message clearly. movement continued throughout year until march 2004 create greater impact , awareness.

partner programmes in 2003–04

mattel southeast asia held inter school scrabble competition.
singapore drama educators association (sdea) held dramazing race, involved 150 students 29 secondary schools in race encouraged them utilise english. race similar in format amazing race.
national university of singapore held prose (promotion of standard english) forum prominent figures in singapore shared experiences importance of speaking english , being understood.
national library board held raise-a-reader workshop: primary years tailored specially equip parents know-hows of choosing suitable reading materials children , complementing reading habits. other events such actiquette! dramatization contest organized in conjunction of sgem 2003.
english language , literature teachers association of singapore, ellta (s) conducted seminar on ‘speaking english effective teaching , communication’.
julia gabriel speech & drama centre held workshop parents develop language skills, encourage reading skills , motivate writing skills using books, stories , poems @ home children.
british council held workshops parents improve pronunciation, identify singlish errors , replace them standard forms.
society reading & literacy (srl) conducted 6-month women learning english (wish) programme free @ 12 community centres nationwide record enrolment of 180 students in 6 classes. also, ms sheila wee srl conducted talk educate parents on use of storytelling develop children s interest in english.


in fifth year, acting manpower minister ng eng hen launched campaign @ arts house @ old parliament in april 2004. target of campaign can summed english@work&play. target audience working adults in service industry, including cabbies, shop assistants, waiters , others, made 70 percent of workers in singapore. people in positions of influence, parents , teachers encouraged serve positive role models in speaking english around them. movement partnered organisations , key agencies in training workshop initiatives improve english language proficiency of teachers. new programme called functional literacy our workers (flow) initiated workforce development agency aim equip workers had little english literacy basic tools required them work. other activities promote english held throughout year, such wish programme (as in previous year), , talks @ selected public libraries educate public on importance of reading aloud , on using english communicate 1 s family.

partner programmes in 2004–05

workshops sgem partners: these included reading aloud: whys , hows organised society reading & literacy (srl), tell me story , fun tots national library board educated parents on how develop reading skills in children among others.
speak english weekend held @ arts house @ old parliament saw collaboration of sgem partners asian storytelling network (asn), british council, institute of technical education (ite), julia gabriel speech & drama centre, national library board, news radio 93.8fm , regional language centre (relc) organise activities related english such scrabble, poetry, , tongue-twister sessions. booths set allow enrolment english classes well.

speak up. speak out. speak well. (2005–06)

prime minister lee hsien loong launched year s speak english movement on 13 may @ hdb hub auditorium @ toa payoh. chairing movement professor koh tai ann, professor of english literature @ school of humanities , social sciences @ nanyang technological university. professor koh highlighted speaking english did not necessary mean 1 should seek eradicate or diminish usage of singlish or mother tongue. recognised importance of mother tongue , singlish bonding element singaporeans, emphasised there right place , time , singaporeans must able converse in standard english when occasion called it. highlights of year s movement included appointment of 12 ambassadors sgem 2005. included taxi drivers, cyber gamers , media personalities.

partner programmes in 2005–06

singapore plain english speaking award (pesa) 2005 organised ministry of education , ymca singapore 30 may 29 july 2005. took format of story telling competition primary , secondary students. while primary school children draft , compose own stories, secondary school contestants had pick topic of interest, plan speech, , present ideas , arguments fluently , eloquently through use of plain english. total of 140 students participated in event.
workshops , seminars sgem partners: these included raise-a-reader workshop national library board parents develop conducive reading environments children. mouthful of words reach learning centre organised children between 9–12 years old , parents understand , explore concept of phonetics , encourage spoken english.the hamburger model: story writing workshop organized ms angeline tan creative culture consultants taught 7- 10-year-old children how develop interesting storylines , write story.
readi course reading facilitators organized society reading & literacy (srl) aimed reach out underprivileged children had difficulties in reading. partial sponsorships given deserving volunteers had attended 2-month course. total of 10 volunteers obtained sponsorship. later carried out para-intervention or remedial reading sessions in schools, voluntary welfare organisations , libraries children reading difficulties.
nationwide challenges , competitions organized sgem partners. these included dramamazing race 2 singapore drama educators association (sdea) involved school students solving puzzles , making use of english complete race similar amazing race, , inter-school scrabble championship 2005 put mattel southeast asia. other activities include sgem 2005 pronunciation challenge held british council , national library board between 17 may 20 june. in challenge, members of public logged onto official sgem website, listened , selected dialogue correct pronunciation win free course british council.

be understood. not in singapore, malaysia , batam (2006–07)

the 2006 movement launched radm (ns) lui tuck yew, minister of state education on 25 july 2006 @ plaza, national library building. focus of year on creating standard of english singaporeans understood anywhere in world, not locally internationally. highlights of 2006 movement include starting of english broken column in generation y page of sunday times addressed questions relating english sent in readers. column continued run 2 years in print , later adapted regularly updated online column on stomp still runs today. there have been daily enquiries regarding english language on stomp. popularity led publication of 2 best-selling volumes of books of same title- english broken , based on issues brought site.

partner programmes in 2006–07

walk , talk competition (british council): during november 2006 – february 2007, students primary pre-university entered competition creating short animations films in collaboration tertiary-level design , technology students.
singapore s favourite words contest (british council): online contest held public vote favourite english words. contest concluded love singapore s favourite english word. other words include cool , exhausted . winner given pair of tickets uk. in follow larger singapore s 100 favourite words, competition held participants incorporate top 10 words in short story writing competition.
golden point award 2007 (national arts council, arts house ): biennial writing competition began in 1992 held on 24 april 2007.
express workshops (british council): series of 6 workshops conducted young adults improve literacy skills. each workshop focused on 1 emotion (e.g. hope, anger, etc.) , looked @ different ways of expressing it.
getting know international phonetic alphabet (national institute of education): 2-hour workshop conducted public learn ipa. held on 30 september 2006 , 25 november 2006.
is child reading enough? (reading specialists association, national library board): half-day free forum held public on 9 september 2006 @ bishan community library, raise concerns may have regarding reading. topics included : type of reader child? , busting reading myths , ingredients raising successful young reader .
journey through story (creative culture education centre): on 7 september 2006, children @ cheng san community library taught how create stories pictures.
child mother goose programme (fei yue family community service): parent-child programme held @ yishun community library on 6 september 2006 encourage parents use rhymes , stories enhance language communication abilities in toddlers.
magical tales afar (national book development council of singapore): on 5 , 6 september 2006, international storytellers narrated stories homeland.
english broken (the sunday times, ministry of education): new weekly column introduced in gen y page of sunday times. addressed questions related english.
2006 plain english speaking award (ymca singapore, ministry of education, national library board) : public speech competition students held in august 2006.
sgem pamphlets & posters retailers (singapore retailers association): pamphlets , posters consisted of helpful phrases communication distributed in bid encourage staff use standard english @ workplace.

rock world! express (2007–08)

launched radm (ns) lui tuck yew, minister of state education on 31 july 2007 @ timbre music bistro, 2007/08 movement targeted 4 broad groups- youth, parents, teacher , frontline staff. key focus on youth, while parents, teachers, , frontline staff seen main people have interactions them, having vital role in language input receive. organizers tried encourage young singaporeans express through arts , music. year saw appointment new chairman – mr goh eck kheng, publisher of landmark books two-year term 1 march 2008 30 april 2010.

rock word – social networking initiative

from august 2007 june 2008, movement held weekly programmes , performances aimed allow youths grow confidence , fluency code. programmes included music, oratorical performances, film, drama, stand-up comedy, , poetry. in providing platform local artists, had hoped use power , reach of artists send message youths in singapore. embraced new platforms, such social networking media following:

myspace: rock world @ myspace
youtube: rock world @ youtube
facebook: rock world @ facebook
the speak english movement website
blogs band members

partner programmes in 2007–08

inspiring teacher of english award 2008 (the straits times): first national award acknowledge passionate english teachers in singapore schools have ignited love of english language in students using innovative methods students speak , write better.
good english tip-off!( monthly series provided nuggets of information using english.
fat kids harder kidnap – 31 plays in 1-hour (youth empire): interactive theatrical production performed how dram company ran 3 wednesdays between 5–16 march 2008.
schools digital media awards 2008 (sdma): in year, there winning entries related english.
school invasion tour @ temasek junior college: on 31 january 2008, music acts switchfoot, speak english movement activists, west grand boulevard , caracal performed students @ temasek junior college.
speak english day @ singapore polytechnic: on 28 november 2008, students , lecturers school of business @ singapore polytechnic held performances emphasise importance of speaking english. programme included skits of singlish version of little red riding hood, courtroom trial mock debate on topic men redundant .
english not broken! (singapore polytechnic) held version of oratorical competition- plain english speaking award proficient speakers represent school in annual plain english speak award ymca.
switch on standard english! & interactive storytelling sessions (julia gabriel centre learning, national library board): 2 events conducted talk switch on standard english! on how standard english crucial children s success in school, , interactive storytelling sessions used drama, puppets , music in process.
stories grandparents told me storytelling competition 2007 (acropolis english centre, national book development council of singapore): 13 primary school students qualified finalists in competition.
special edition of rock world (timbre music bistro & bar, british council): on 5 december 2007, charlie dark brought in one-night-only performance.
rock world @ contest: contests held every last tuesday of month participants had creatively express emotion such joy or anger in way.

i can (2008–09)

launched minister lim boon heng, prime minister’s office, on 26 august 2008, speak english movement 2008 targeted workforce seen people both singaporeans , international visitors encounter frequently. frontline staff of service , retail sectors targeted. message of tagline of 2008 – can can others improve english. , can take action improve english. , can speak english if want to. in order encourage willingness speak , improve proficiency of standard english, movement of year initiated classification of singaporeans 3 categories. 1. singaporeans can speak standard english. 2. singaporeans cannot yet speak standard english , open improving themselves. 3. singaporeans not able speak standard english , not see importance of doing so.

partner programmes in 2008–09

service english retail professionals (singapore retailers association): new training programme called “service english retail professionals” launched. targeted non-fluent english speakers in service , retail sectors.
inspiring teacher of english award 2009 (the straits times): first national award acknowledge passionate english teachers in singapore schools have ignited love of english language in students, used innovative methods students speak , write better.
schools digital media awards (sdma) 2009
the abcs of pronunciation ( jan & elly) : series of 4 workshops conducted @ 4 public libraries. aimed singaporeans understand , use proper pronunciation on international stage using phonemic awareness techniques , giving tips on commonly mispronounced words.
what every parent needs know standard singapore english (relc , national library board): series of 3 talks presented on how parents have influence on children s use of standard english. titles of talks every parent needs know standard singapore english , ten best ideas teach children speak english , using standard spoken english @ home .
inspiring teacher of english award 2008 (the straits times) : on 29 october, inaugural award ceremony held @ national library building. 9 teachers presented award.
english broken (stomp): @ website, ongoing question , answer public english updated daily english panel.

impress. inspire. intoxicate. (2009–10)

the speak english movement 2009 officially launched deputy prime minister teo chee hean on 28 august tagline impress. inspire. intoxicate. impress communicate with, inspire others role models of english , using words intoxicate make everyday communication more engaging. tagline aimed convey message communicating goes beyond grammar , vocabulary , involves being able express , understood well. target of year s movement young people of wired generation, aged 18 29.

six lives

this year, movement initiated online drama titled 6 lives followed lives of 6 friends planning wedding friends john , huileng. on span of 12 episodes, 6 lives aimed show importance of communicating , how impress, inspire , intoxicate can incorporated daily situations friends into, through demonstration 6 characters interacted through blog entries , comments @ sixlives webpage.

partner programmes in 2009–10

grammar ninja (stomp): contest held participants had take pictures of poor english usage in public places, suggest corrections , post in forum according different theme each month. grammar ninja significant contribution of month awarded s$100 kinokuniya book voucher.
inspiring teacher of english award 2010 (the straits times): first national award acknowledge passionate english teachers in singapore schools have ignited love of english language in students, used innovative methods students speak , write better.
work language (mediacorp radio s 938live) : weekly radio programme aimed enhance working experience. though weekly episodes, tips , hints shared on how more effective in workplace , improve relationships colleagues better language skills.
fix sign (stomp) :a contest gave prizes top 3 voted entries of photographs of signs broken english island wide.
english broken contest (pioneer): contest singapore armed force’s monthly print magazine, gave away t-shirts entries of photos corrections signs broken english.
language master 2009 (teens network club): in collaboration people s association teens network club, language master competition encourage teens in upper primary , lower secondary speak in proper english.
schools digital media awards 2010 (sdma): category open both student , teachers related english included in competition year- miscommunication in english language .
free english workshops (the british council): series of 4 free english workshops conducted on topics of guiding children in reading , learning english online , singlish vs standard english , presentation skills .

get right (2010–11)

a right poster @ food-court displaying correction of ungrammatical english.

in 11th year, speak english movement 2010 launched on 7 september 2010 tagline right . year s focus on less proficient in standard english. aimed @ broadening environment in standard english used, in order create conducive environment less proficient in code can learn example. fluent speakers of standard english encouraged use more in conversation, regardless if family members, colleagues, hawkers, or taxi drivers.

activist toolkit

in bid singaporeans right -where proficient in standard english take note use language accurately , less proficient @ try use correctly; organisers introduced activist toolkit. activist toolkit includes sticky notes, stickers , notebooks. people encouraged use sticky notes correct english errors encounter anywhere. example, correcting wrongly expressed sign pasting sticky note on it. tactic called guerrilla-styled guerrilla marketing. current minister community development, youth , sports vivian balakrishnan kicked off year s campaign being first correct sign @ xin food court @ harbourfront centre. replaced ungrammatical sign saying no outside food allowed 1 reads no food elsewhere, please .

partner programmes in 2010–11

english pronunciation workshops (jan & elly):this partner programme jan , elly offered series of free pronunciation workshops held @ public libraries across singapore. workshops aimed teach participants how understand , use proper english pronunciation in international environment.
english workshop series (british council singapore): british council singapore offered series of free workshops @ public libraries across singapore august december 2010. topics included know pronunciation , phonics , learning literacy , success presentation . reading workshops children , parents english communication workshops working adults conducted.
english workshops young executives (ascend education centre):ascend education centre conducted series of 8 workshops targeting young working executives. focus on improving communication skills brushing written , spoken grammar of participants. of topics included: don’t tense on tenses – present, perfect , past , if could? – use of modals , active using passive , work way – use of phrasal verbs , therefore, in conclusion – use of conjunctions , transition phrases
english broken: citizen-journalism , social networking site, stomp collaborated sgem provide english language panel answers readers questions regarding english language in local context on daily basis. stomp s continuing partnership movement has since produced 2 books focus on commonly asked questions , mistakes, tips on how improve reader s command of english language. stomp launched free iphone app, right, allows users listen correct pronunciation of words commonly mispronounced singaporeans , definition of these words. app uses familiar singaporean voice pronounce words in hopes of making more appealing , useful target audience in spontaneous situations when unsure of pronunciation of word.
street speak (razortv):razortv, online television broadcast service launched 5-part video series titled street speak focuses on 5 areas singaporeans commonly face difficulties in daily use of english language. series suggests corrections self-improvements. 5 areas include literal translations , vocabulary , grammar/ tenses , pronunciation , listening .
english fun facts (938live):the radio station run daily programmes featuring fun facts , trivia english. examples of topics include did know english words have foreign origins? , did know meanings of english words have evolved on time?

^ cite error: named reference sgewebsite invoked never defined (see page).
^ speak english movement launched in singapore – xinhua news agency, 29 april 2000
^ buck up, poor english reflects badly on – pm.- straits times, 30 april 2000, p. 4
^ teach english? seminar give tips. – straits times, 26 may 2000
^ singaporeans starting value importance of speaking english. – channel news asia, 12 april 2002
^ official speech sgem 2003/04 – col (ns) david wong, 2 july 2003
^ speak english movement aims people speak simple english.- channel news asia, 2 july 2003
^ sgem official media release 2004 21 april 2004
^ speak english movement targets service industry workers. – channel news asia, 25 april 2004
^ serving english in s pore. – straits times, 22 april 2004
^ dozen !cons appointed speak english movement – today,5 may 2005
^ speak english movement new tagline – straits times interactive, 19 july 2006
^ official speech sgem 2007/08 – radm (ns) lui tuck yew, 31 july 2007
^ stomp book no.1 yet again! – paper, 19 september 2008, pa25
^ love singapore s favourite english word – channel news asia, 11 july 2007. retrieved 18 november 2010
^ speak english movement 2007 factsheet
^ publisher goh eck kheng new chairman of sgem – channel news asia online, 25 may 2008. retrieved 18 november 2010
^ speak english movement reaches out youths through arts – straits time interactive, 1 august 2007
^ english campaign focus on front-line service staff – new paper, 20 august 2008, p. 6
^ sgem official media release 2008, 19 august 2008
^ speech mr goh eck kheng, chairman of sgem, media briefing 2009, 24 august 2009
^ speak english movement aims youths intoxicated language – channel news asia, 24 august 2009. retrieved 18 november 2010
^ nominations open english teacher award - paper, 18 february 2010, p2
^ english right -even @ kopitiam – paper, 1 september 2010, p.4
^ getting right start – straits times, 1 september 2010, p.b06
^ sgem official media release 2010, 31 august 2010
^ sticky notes pasted on bad signs – todayonline, 8 september 2010. retrieved 18 november 2010
^ act on poor english – straits times, 8 september 2010. retrieved 18 november 2010
^ right iphone app – paper, 19 november 2010, p.a23


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