The Rye House and other plotters Rye House Plot

1 rye house , other plotters

1.1 west cabal
1.2 uprising plans
1.3 scottish , american connections

the rye house , other plotters

the conspirators of period numerous, , resort sort of armed resistance debated 1680s, on becoming whig side of factional division of british politics. form should take uncertain, , discussions of seizing of control of cities other london, such bristol, , scottish uprising, in air. subsequent historiography of plot largely partisan, , scholars still clarifying closely involved in planning of violent , revolutionary measures.

the west cabal

the assassination plot centred on group convened in 1682–3 robert west of middle temple, green ribbon club member: called rye house cabal. west had participated in 1 of cases wound popish plot allegations, of false witness stephen college. through association made contact aaron smith , william hone, both plotters though aside main group. john locke had arranged accommodation west in oxford @ time, , had other associations in group of revolutionary activists (smith, john ayloffe, christopher battiscombe , israel hayes), of whom ayloffe implicated in rye house plot, leaving locke vulnerable.

account of rye house, official history of plot thomas sprat (2nd edition, 1685).

rumbold introduced west s group john wildman; time plot discovered both had distanced themselves, wildman refusing finance rumbold in purchase of arms, , rumbold through loss of earlier enthusiasm.

the uprising plans

cabal members such richard nelthorpe favoured rebellion rather assassination, aligning of west group s discussion plans of algernon sidney, in particular, , more aristocratic country party members making so-called monmouth cabal. there discussions in group around monmouth in september 1682 of uprising, having participants in common group around west. cabal later named council of 6 , took form after tory successes in summer 1682 in struggle control city of london. significant aspect intention employ archibald campbell, 9th earl of argyll military rebellion in scotland. smith in january 1683 sent contact supporters in scotland, 6 , view summoning them london; apparently botched mission indiscretions.

in fact west s contacts monmouth cabal, , knowledge of intentions, in part quite indirect thomas walcot , robert ferguson had accompanied shaftesbury netherlands, in self-imposed exile of november 1682. both returned london, , associated west, learned walcott of shaftesbury s own plan general rebellion. walcott went on lead attack on royal guards, of plotters drew line @ assassination. during spring of 1683 there further contacts of monmouth cabal , west s group, through sir thomas armstrong in particular, drafting manifesto, there being disagreements whether republican or monarchical constitution should result revolutionary measures. in may 1683 west , walcott discussed larger group prospects raising force of several thousand men, around london.

scottish , american connections

the interpretation of actual whig intentions @ time complicated colonial schemes in america. west had stake in east jersey. shaftesbury heavily involved in province of carolina. in april 1683 scottish contacts of whigs arrived in london, briefed smith, meeting essex , russell of monmouth cabal; either under impression matter concerned carolina, or gave out pretext presence. included sir george campbell of cessnock, john cochrane, , william carstares. earl of argyll had left london netherlands in august 1682, kept in touch whig notables through couriers , ciphered correspondence. 2 of them, william spence alias butler, , abraham holmes, arrested in june 1683.


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