Background Kidnapping and murder of Mohammed Abu Khdeir

main street in shu fat

the shu fat neighborhood, located in east jerusalem, home mohammed abu khdeir. neighborhood relatively well-off , calmer other areas , residents not confrontations israeli police. muhammad abu khdeir 16 years old. father owned , ran electric appliances store, , boy studying become electrician @ amal vocational high school. family part of large clan known in shu afat. in last days, helped family member decorate main street in shu fat lamps on occasion of ramadan.

on 12 june 2014, 3 israeli teenagers, eyal yifrach, gilad shaar, , naftali frankel hitchhiking home school jewish settlement in west bank , kidnapped. killed immediately. in interim, fate became focus of intense concern throughout israeli society. buried late in afternoon of 1 july. on day of funeral, israeli premier benjamin netanyahu commented: hamas responsible, , hamas pay. may memory of 3 boys blessed.

in evening day of funeral, hundreds of right-wing israelis rampaged in jerusalem yelling death arabs , endeavoured assault passers-by, had extricated police. marches counted presence of prominent right-wing figures such former mk michael ben-ari, , jewish agency officials. referring enemy , ben-ari called on israelis [m]ake ramadan month of darkness them! evening before killing, group of racist supporters of beitar football club, known la familia, held violent demonstration, in chanted death arabs , harassed palestinians nearby. in hebron, settlers assaulted palestinian residents; in bethlehem 9-year-old child run on settler car. rash of racist incitement on israeli social media broke out after deaths revealed. rabbi noam perel, head of bnei akiva, world s largest religious-zionist youth organization, urged on facebook page idf transformed army of avengers, not stop @ 300 philistine foreskins . wrote:

the travesty atoned enemy s blood, not our tears. whole nation , thousands of years of history demands revenge. government of israel convened meeting of vengeance not mourning sitting.

on same day, palestinian teenager killed israeli forces in jenin refugee camp. killing celebrated right-wing israelis on social media revenge . facebook page people of israel demand revenge set 17-year-old, showing soldiers posing , touting rifles, posting messages of revenge . page gathered 35,000 likes , taken down after news of khdeir s murder. 1 item submitted site had photograph 2 smiling israeli girls sign saying, hating arabs not racism, s values! @ recommendation of attorney general yehuda weinstein, israeli police launched probe call incitement on social media. in addition, idf announced soldiers posting messages or photos pledged avenge teens murder or used racist language severely punished.

on tuesday night, palestinian family registered complaint police concerning attempt kidnap child, 10-year-old moussa zalum, on shu fat s main street. @ time, reported, walking mother , brother when car stopped , attempt made try , pull him vehicle, grabbing him throat. child managed wriggle free, mother beat off kidnapper , car sped off. on wednesday morning, 16-year-old abu khdeir murdered. mother later said 2 men involved, , spoke hebrew. family alerted police immediately, mother said, , patrol car passed , officers given details , description. in police accounts, parents go police station , lay formal complaint, family did not do, , therefore police did not investigate. police alleged father told them assailtants not jewish. police said after hearing of abu khdeir kidnapping following morning police connected 2 incidents.


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