Biodiversity Middle-earth animals

1 biodiversity

1.1 birds

1.1.1 birds of prey , carrion
1.1.2 fowl
1.1.3 song-birds
1.1.4 water-birds
1.1.5 other birds

1.2 mammals

1.2.1 land carnivores felines

1.2.2 hoofed animals rare, exotic or extinct ungulates

1.2.3 rodents , similar creatures
1.2.4 marine mammals in roverandom

1.2.5 miscellaneous mammals

1.3 reptiles , amphibians
1.4 fish

1.4.1 in roverandom

1.5 insects
1.6 other land-creatures
1.7 marine invertebrates

1.7.1 in roverandom


this section provides list of diverse range of real animals mentioned or alluded in tolkien s fiction. species , types animals familiar tolkien ecology of england , mythologies of northern europe. inclusion of these animals in legendarium reinforces notion middle-earth set in earth s old world (albeit in fictional prehistoric era).

this section uses traditional names , groupings rather scientific taxonomy (biology).

birds of prey , carrion

gorcrows, golden eagles, peregrine falcons, hawks, owls (including barn owls, tawny owls, long-eared owls, short-eared owls, eurasian eagle-owls, , white owls), ravens, cinereous vultures, griffon vultures, white-rumped vultures, rüppell s vultures, indian vultures, slender-billed vultures, himalayan vultures, white-backed vultures, cape vultures, hooded vultures, red-headed vultures, lappet-faced vultures, white-headed vultures


chickens, mallard, ducks, geese, common quail, wild turkey, domesticated turkey, common pheasant


finches, larks, common nightingales, european robins, american robins, common starlings, barn swallows, common blackbirds, song thrushes, willow-wrens, eurasian wrens


brown boobies, eurasian coots, dabchicks, common kingfishers, common gulls, grey herons, white storks, swans (especially mute swan , black swan)

other birds

doves, house sparrows, eurasian tree sparrow, norfolk robin, laughing kookaburra

land carnivores

brown bears, dogs, red foxes, grey wolves, polar bears, dire wolves, coyotes


cats, leopards, lions, eurasian lynxs, tigers, smilodon, pards

hoofed animals

cattle (wild , domesticated), white-tailed deer, roe deer, fallow deer, muntjac, red deer, elk, reindeer, donkeys, goats, horses , ponies, pigs (wild , domesticated), sheep

rare, exotic or extinct ungulates

mouflon, bighorn sheep, argali, giraffes, zebras, irish elk, woolly rhinoceros, javan rhinoceros, sumatran rhinoceros, white rhinoceros, black rhinoceros, indian rhinoceros, brontotherium, muskox, mountain goat, dromedary, thomson s gazelle, greater kudu

rodents , similar creatures

european badgers, eurasian beavers, european hares, european hedgehogs, mice (house mice, field mice, dormice), european moles, eurasian otters, european rabbits, rats(brown rats , black rats), eurasian red squirrels, black squirrels, common voles, water-rats, least weasels, stoats, ferrets, naked mole-rats

marine mammals

dolphins, seals, whales

in roverandom

(roverandom connected world of middle-earth via elvenhome)

dugongs, manatees, porpoises, right whales, sea-cows

miscellaneous mammals

common chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans, common pipistrelles, common noctules, brown long-eared bats, parti-coloured bats, barbastelles, bechstein s bats, daubenton s bats, greater horseshoe bats, grey long-eared bats, lesser noctules, lesser horseshoe bats, nathusius s pipistrelles, natterer s bats, serotine bats, brandt s bats, greater mouse-eared bats, new zealand lesser short-tailed bats vampire bats, african elephants, asian elephants, mammoths, monkeys, lemurs

reptiles , amphibians

common frogs, lizards, snakes (including adders, grass-snakes), sea-turtles, common toads, tennessee cave salamander, texas blind salamanders, fire salamanders, northern crested newts, purussaurus


blind fish, dragonets, perch, chinook salmon, rainbow trout, brown trout, brown bullhead, northern pike

in roverandom

(roverandom connected world of middle-earth via elvenhome)

eels, goldfish, minnows, redfish, sardines, sea-devils, sea-horses, sharks


ants (including black ants), western honey bee, large garden bumblebee, bombus hortorum, beetles, blackbeetles, butterflies (including purple emperors), house cricket, dragonflies, houseflies, glow-worms, gnats, grasshoppers, hornets, horseflies, locusts, highland midge, emperor gum moth, pepper moth, silk-worms, cormocephalus rubriceps, common house mosquitoes, clitarchus hookeri

other land-creatures

earth-worms, medicinal leeches, mites, slugs, garden snails, black tunnelweb spider, common baboon spider, burnt wolf spider, linyphia triangularis, gluvia dorsalis, widow spiders, cambridgea, beef tapeworm

marine invertebrates

coral, pearl-oysters, periwinkles, sea-shells

in roverandom

(roverandom connected universe of middle-earth via elvenhome)

anemones, barnacles, cephalopods, clams, cockles, conches, crabs, limpets, lobsters, mussels, oysters, sea-slugs, shrimp, sponges


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