Center breakdown Anchorage Air Route Traffic Control Center

atop/ocean21 automation platform.

anchorage artcc (zan) northern, eastern, , western-most center , 1 of 3 designated oceanic centers. anchorage artcc has control responsibility more 2,500,000 square nautical miles (8,600,000 km) of airspace divided between 3 areas of specialization , 15 sectors. zan operates on 2 separate automation platforms, atop (advanced technologies & oceanic procedures) , mearts (microprocessor en route automated radar tracking system)/fdp-2000 (micro en route automated radar tracking system). facility makes use of other technology systems such fdp2000, dots+, anics, ads-b, ads-c , wide area multilateration (wam).

some of sectors cover extremely large geographic areas , on average use more communications frequencies per sector other facility. radar coverage limited 55-60% of airspace.


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