Classification Dicotyledon
1 classification
1.1 historical
1.2 apg (angiosperm phylogeny group) vs. cronquist classification
1.3 dahlgren , thorne systems
traditionally dicots have been called dicotyledones (or dicotyledoneae), @ rank. if treated class, in cronquist system, called magnoliopsida after type genus magnolia. in schemes, eudicots treated separate class, rosopsida (type genus rosa), or several separate classes. remaining dicots (palaeodicots or basal angiosperms) may kept in single paraphyletic class, called magnoliopsida, or further divided. botanists prefer retain dicotyledons valid class, arguing practicality , makes evolutionary sense.
apg (angiosperm phylogeny group) vs. cronquist classification
the following lists show orders in apg iv system traditionally called dicots, older cronquist system.
dahlgren , thorne systems
in dahlgren , thorne systems, subclass name magnoliidae used dicotyledons. case in of systems derived cronquist system. each system, superorders listed. sequence of each system has been altered pair corresponding taxa, although circumscription of superorders same name not same.
the thorne system (1992) depicted reveal is:
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