History Sons of Norway

1 history

1.1 establishment
1.2 development
1.3 1938 merger
1.4 daughters of norway


vintage sons of norway lapel pins worn members.

the sons of norway founded independent order of sons of norway. organization founded 18 members on january 16, 1895, in minneapolis, minnesota, insure each other when unable secure life insurance on own. membership open males of norwegian descent between ages of 20 , 50 capable of giving proof of being morally upright, in health, , capable of supporting family.

a second lodge established in south minneapolis in 1899 , third founded in northeastern section of city in 1900. minneapolis model spread , end of 1900 12 lodges of organization had been established in cities , towns substantial norwegian-american populations across american upper midwest.

from origins in minnesota organization spread both coasts. lodge of order established far away american territory of alaska.

in 1903 group in seattle asked midwestern group charter, did not wish have compulsory insurance members, anathema parent order. seattle group organized leif erikson lodge no. 1 in spite of midwest lodges , other west coast lodges set grand lodge of sons of norway of pacific coast. 2 orders quarreled until held convention in superior, wisconsin in june 1909, merging next year.

by time of outbreak of world war in 1914, sons of norway claimed membership of 12,000.


originally established secret order, of ritualistic aspects of order removed in part of twentieth century @ request of rev. hans gerhard stub, president of norwegian lutheran synod.

the organization published official monthly magazine, sønner av norge (sons of norway), kept members abreast of activities of group. other activities included regular lectures on historical, cultural, , literary topics; essay , speech contests students; , organized festivities various national norwegian holidays. sons of norway worked expand instruction of norwegian language in public schools. of 2000s, magazine named viking .

1938 merger

in december 1938, sons of norway absorbed american auxiliary of knights of white cross order (riddere av det hvite kors) had been founded in chicago in 1863.

daughters of norway

women admitted local groups 1916, in areas sons female auxiliary unorganized. daughters of norway lodges in midwest united sons of norway in 1950 , system of junior lodges created in 1956. grand lodge of daughters of norway, dates 1908,

continued separate association.


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