Martial arts compendium Paulus Hector Mair

two techniques longsword section in dresden codex

depiction of judicial duel in munich codex

mair compiled voluminous, encyclopedic compendium of martial arts of time, collected in 16 books in 2 volumes. compendium survives in 3 manuscript copies. subject matter treated is:

volume 1:

a. german longsword
b. dussack (backsword)
c. staff
d. pike
e. halberd
f. fighting scythe
g. fighting sickle
h. unarmed combat (wrestling)

volume 2:

i. dagger
k. spanish rapier
l. battle axe
m. joust, mounted combat sport
n. tournament history , rules
o. judicial combat
p. mounted combat, serious (self-defense)
q. fencing in plate armour (shield, spear, longsword)


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