Political career Chris Davies (Liberal Democrat politician)

1 political career

1.1 local government
1.2 member of parliament
1.3 european parliament

political career
local government

davies liberal member of liverpool city council 1980 1984, representing abercromby ward , serving chairman of housing committee. 1994 1998 liberal democrat councillor lees ward on oldham metropolitan borough council.

member of parliament

davies contested liverpool scotland exchange in 1979, , littleborough , saddleworth in 1987 , 1992. became mp seat after by-election in 1995, during time labour campaign manager peter mandelson branded him “...high on taxes , soft on drugs” supporting liberal democrat policy on increasing income tax 1p in pound provide additional funding education, , establish royal commission consider decriminalisation of cannabis.

the littleborough , saddleworth seat abolished time of 1997 general election. davies contested oldham east , saddleworth @ 1997 election lost phil woolas of labour.

european parliament

davies elected member of european parliament north west england constituency in 1999 , served liberal democrat spokesman on environment, public health , food safety committee (envi) in european parliament. in march 2014 won parliamentarian of year award work promote sustainable fishing through fish future, all-party group created in 2010. efforts included dressing fish in european parliament raise awareness of need reform of common fisheries policy (cfp). lost seat in 2014 european election.

during time mep, davies active in environment, climate , energy policy sectors, , served alde coordinator (team leader) on envi committee 2007.

he rapporteur geological storage of carbon dioxide (carbon capture , storage, ccs) directive in 2008-9 , implementation report on ccs in 2013-14, called greater action develop , deploy ccs in eu. in 2008 drafted amendment led creation of funding mechanism ccs , innovative renewable energy projects became known ner300, later described european commission 1 world s largest funding programmes innovative low-carbon energy demonstration projects.


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