Biography Josip Bozanić

1 biography

1.1 life , ordination
1.2 pastoral work
1.3 bishop
1.4 cardinal
1.5 views on homosexuality

early life , ordination

josip bozanić born in rijeka, yugoslavia (now croatia), ivan bozanić , dinka valković. attended minor seminary of pazin, , theological faculties of rijeka , zagreb, obtained master s degree in theology. ordained priesthood on 29 june 1975 bishop karmelo zazinović, whom bozanić served private secretary until 1976.

pastoral work

he parish priest 3 years before furthering studies in rome 1979 1985. earned licentiate in dogmatic theology pontifical gregorian university , licentiate in canon law pontifical lateran university.

upon return yugoslavia, served chancellor (1986–1987) , vicar general (1987–1989) of diocese of krk. taught dogmatic theology , canon law @ theological institute of rijeka 1988 1997.


on 10 may 1989, bozanić appointed coadjutor bishop of krk pope john paul ii. received episcopal consecration on following 25 june franjo cardinal kuharić, archbishop josip pavlišić , bishop zazinović serving co-consecrators, @ assumption cathedral. later succeeded zazinović bishop of krk upon latter s retirement on 14 november 1989; 1 of ancestors, bartol bozanić, served in same post 1839 1854.

he briefly served apostolic administrator archdiocese of rijeka-senj june november 1996, , named eighth archbishop of zagreb on 5 july 1997. has been president of croatian bishops conference between 1997 , 2007, , vice-president of council of european bishops conferences between 2001 , 2006.


john paul ii created him cardinal-priest of san girolamo dei croati in consistory of 21 october 2003. bozanić 1 of cardinal electors participated in 2005 papal conclave elected pope benedict xvi.

within roman curia, member of congregation divine worship , discipline of sacraments, congregation catholic education (renewed on 11 december 2010), pontifical council laity, , special council europe of general secretariat of synod of bishops.on 5 january 2011 appointed among first members of newly created pontifical council promotion of new evangelisation.

on 29 december 2011 appointed member of pontifical council social communications five-year renewable term.

on tuesday, 18 september 2012, cardinal bozanić named pope benedict xvi 1 of papally-appointed synod fathers upcoming october 2012 13th ordinary general assembly of synod of bishops on new evangelization.

he 1 of cardinal electors participated in 2013 papal conclave selected pope francis.

views on homosexuality

in 2013, intervened in political campaign alter croatian referendum more explicitly defined marriage union between man , woman. issued pastoral letter read in catholic churches across country reminding parishioners marriage union enabling procreation . referendum subsequently approved vote of 66% 34%; , regarded major victory roman catholic church, , blow gay rights advocates.


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