Etiquette Draw by agreement

it bad etiquette offer draw in lost position (benjamin 2006:30), (krush 2011:54), or when 1 has no winning chances opponent still has winning chances (burgess 2000:461). garry kasparov regularly criticizes grandmasters offer draw when position worse (peterson 2009:36). such offers used psychological tricks. position in diagram on right arose in game samuel reshevsky versus fotis mastichiadis, dubrovnik 1950. reshevsky played 24.nd2?, , saw @ once put bad situation 24...nxf2. thinking quickly, offered opponent draw, busy writing down move in scoresheet. mastichiadis, minor master, happy half point against illustrious opponent did not pause examine position before accepting offer.

the rule procedure of offering draw violated in 1981 game between garry kasparov , anatoly karpov. kasparov moved 17. ra2 , offered draw. karpov instantly replied 17... be7 , said make move! , violation of rule. kasparov moved 18. b5 , karpov accepted draw (kasparov 2008:32).

in 1958 game between tigran petrosian , bobby fischer, fischer offered draw without making move first, accepted petrosian. explains in book 60 memorable games:

i offered draw, not realizing bad etiquette. petrosian s place extend draw offer after 67...rxg6+ [...] 68.kxg6 kb1 69.f8=q c2 book draw (fischer 2008:31). (see queen versus pawn endgame.)


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