Gameplay Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis

american infantry preparing seize soviet-held village.

operation flashpoint s gameplay varies depending on player s role, game best described tactical shooter significant vehicle elements , minor real-time tactics elements. ofp s gameplay largely team-oriented , player spends of game squad of 11 ai-controlled members, either member of squad or leader. on-foot gameplay , vehicle elements blended seamlessly , player can available vehicle @ time, orders , mission conditions permitting. whether on foot or in vehicle player can view action both first- , third-person views, additional command view available squad leaders gives player limited bird s-eye view of surrounding area. @ start of each mission player presented briefing explaining situation, describing player s goals in mission and, often, providing further information in form of notes. once in-game player provided map, compass, watch, , notebook. depending on mission player may required participate in , complete variety of tasks, driving truck or guarding bases attacking or defending various objectives, patrols, reconnaissance , sabotage behind enemy lines, air support, or combination of these , more.

when player given command of squad of npcs, game becomes more strategy-oriented. leader player responsible guiding squad objectives , able issue wide variety of orders men under command, such movement orders, designation of priority targets, formation orders , various other tactical instructions governing how should behave such holding fire or attacking select targets.


operation flashpoint features wide variety of cold war-era equipment, of can used player, depending on availability in given mission. available firearms range standard-issue military assault rifles such m16a2 , ak-74, machine guns, , more specialized weaponry such sniper rifles , suppressed submachine guns, of have iron sights or telescopic sights player can use aim.

available vehicles include wheeled vehicles (such jeeps , trucks), patrol boats, tanks , apcs, helicopters , fixed-wing aircraft such a-10 thunderbolt ii. if vehicle accessible player, can take position of driver or ride in vehicle passenger. many vehicles, such tanks, require crew of @ least driver , gunner used effectively. vehicles have accurately modeled 3d interiors.

operation flashpoint pioneered use of realistic vehicle , aircraft combat in fps games. while operation flashpoint not provide same level of vehicle realism dedicated simulator steel beasts or falcon 4.0, nevertheless notable because not simulate aircraft, tank , infantry combat consistently high levels of realism, accurately simulates complex relationships between these elements in warfare.


after termination of gamespy master server (july 2014), searching servers multiplayer possible through application ofp-monitor (arma:cwa server monitoring tool poweruser).

with built-in mission editing features, game engine not limit gameplay specific mode. instead, choice of mission type left mission author. commonly implemented game modes include:

deathmatch - in players spawn in arena , fight each other variety of weapons , vehicles found in map, player kills @ end of round wins.
team deathmatch - game mode similar deathmatch, in team deathmatch players join 1 of 2 teams , must kill players of opposing team earn points.
capture flag - in capture flag, players must steal flag , take designated location, while preventing opposing players doing same. mode may team based, or free no alliances.
domination - in domination, 1 or more objective marked flagpost. 2 teams must war control of location. whichever team holds objective longest amount of time gains points , wins round.
demolition - 1 team must protect objective other team, must destroy objective. whichever team prevails in goal wins round.
cooperative - in 1 or more teams of allied human players work cooperatively accomplish variety of objectives.

operation flashpoint includes in-game mission editor can used create single missions entire campaigns.


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