Order of the Bath 1934 Birthday Honours

1 order of bath

1.1 knight grand cross of order of bath (gcb)
1.2 knight commander of order of bath (kcb)
1.3 companion of order of bath (cb)

order of bath
knight grand cross of order of bath (gcb)

military division

general sir archibald armar montgomery-massingberd, kcb, kcmg, colonel commandant, royal regiment of artillery, aide-de-camp general king, chief of imperial general staff.

knight commander of order of bath (kcb)

military division

royal navy

admiral lionel george preston, cb.
vice-admiral martin eric dunbar-nasmith, vc, cb.
engineer vice-admiral harold arthur brown, cb.


lieutenant-general bertram richard kirwan, cb, cmg, retd. pay, colonel commandant, royal regiment of artillery, late master-general of ordnance, india.
lieutenant-general william henry bartholomew, cb, cmg, dso, (late royal artillery), chief of general staff, india.
lieutenant-general george alexander weir, cb, cmg, dso, colonel, 3rd carabiniers (prince of wales s dragoon guards), general officer commanding, british troops in egypt.
lieutenant-general antony ernest wentworth harman, cb, dso, retd. pay, colonel, queen s bays (2nd dragoon guards), late general officer commanding, 1st division.

civil division

brigadier-general richard beale colvin, cb, td, president, territorial army association of county of essex.
john jeffrey, cb, cbe, permanent under-secretary of state scotland.
sir john loader maffey, kcmg, kcvo, csi, cie, permanent under-secretary of state, colonial office.

companion of order of bath (cb)

military division

royal navy

rear-admiral noel frank laurence, dso.
rear-admiral andrew browne cunningham, dso.
rear-admiral max kennedy horton, dso.
colonel william henry lainson tripp, dso, mc, royal marines.


major-general patrick hagart henderson, dso, mb, (late royal army medical corps), honorary physician king, director of hygiene, war office.
major-general baptist barton crozier, cmg, dso, (late royal artillery), half-pay, general officer commanding, designate, 43rd (wessex) division, territorial army, southern command.
major-general octavius henry lothian nicholson, cmg, dso, (late king s own royal regiment (lancaster)), colonel, 1st/4th bombay grenadiers, indian army, half-pay, general officer commanding, designate, deccan district, southern command, india.
major-general walter pitts hendy hill, cmg, dso, (late loyal regiment (north lancashire)), colonel, royal fusiliers (city of london regiment), major-general in charge of administration, southern command.
major-general llewellyn isaac gethin morgan-owen, cmg, cbe, dso, colonel, south wales borderers, major-general in charge of administration, eastern command.
major-general andrew jameson mcculloch, dso, dcm, (late 14th king s hussars), general officer commanding, 52nd (lowland) division, territorial army, scottish command.
major-general percy ryan conway commings, cmg, dso, (late south staffordshire regiment), half-pay, general officer commanding, designate, 56th (1st london) division, territorial army, london district.
colonel (temporary brigadier) frederick gordon spring, cmg, dso, (late lincolnshire regiment), commander, poona (independent) brigade area, southern command, india.
major-general ernest alexander walker, mb, frcs (edin.), indian medical service, honorary surgeon king, director of medical services, india.
colonel (temporary brigadier) betham wilkins shuttleworth, indian army, commander, ferozepore brigade area, northern command, india.
colonel (temporary brigadier) lionel peter collins, dso, obe, indian army, aide-de-camp king, commandant, indian military academy, india.

civil division

rear-admiral wilbraham tennyson randle ford.
surgeon rear-admiral percival thomas nicholls, mrcs, lrcp.
colonel percy reginald owen abel simner, dso, dl, territorial army.
honorary colonel francis killigrew seymour metford, obe, vd, td, dl, (lieutenant-colonel, retd., territorial army), chairman, territorial army association of county of gloucester.
alfred richard ainsworth, principal assistant secretary, board of education.
william barrowclough brown, cbe, assistant secretary, board of trade.
crawfurd wilfrid griffin eady, cmg, principal assistant secretary, ministry of labour.
wing commander eric john hodsoll, royal air force, assistant secretary, committee of imperial defence.
reginald edward stradling, mc, dsc, phd, minstce, director of building & road research, department of scientific , industrial research.
lieutenant-colonel sir ralph verney, cie, cvo, examiner of petitions private bills , taxing officer, house of commons. acting secretary speaker.

additional companion

major honourable alexander henry louis hardinge, cvo, mc, equerry , assistant private secretary majesty king since 1920.


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