The cephalic index Craniometry

swedish professor of anatomy anders retzius (1796–1860) first used cephalic index in physical anthropology classify ancient human remains found in europe. classified brains 3 main categories, dolichocephalic (from ancient greek kephalê, head, , dolikhos, long , thin), brachycephalic (short , broad) , mesocephalic (intermediate length , width).

these terms used georges vacher de lapouge (1854–1936), 1 of pioneers of scientific theories in area , theoretician of eugenics, in l aryen et son rôle social (1899 - aryan , social role ) divided humanity various, hierarchized, different races , spanning aryan white race, dolichocephalic , brachycephalic mediocre , inert race, best represented jew [sic].

between these, vacher de lapouge identified homo europaeus (teutonic, protestant, etc.), homo alpinus (auvergnat, turkish, etc.), , homo mediterraneus (napolitano, andalus, etc.). homo africanus (congo, florida) excluded discussion. vacher de lapouge became 1 of leading inspirations of nazi anti-semitism , nazi ideology. classification mirrored in william z. ripley in races of europe (1899).


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