Geography Safnern

safnern , surroundings

safnern has area of 5.62 km (2.17 sq mi). of 2012, total of 2.45 km (0.95 sq mi) or 43.6% used agricultural purposes, while 1.9 km (0.73 sq mi) or 33.8% forested. of rest of land, 1 km (0.39 sq mi) or 17.8% settled (buildings or roads), 0.17 km (0.066 sq mi) or 3.0% either rivers or lakes , 0.11 km (27 acres) or 2.0% unproductive land.

during same year, industrial buildings made 2.0% of total area while housing , buildings made 8.4% , transportation infrastructure made 3.4%. power , water infrastructure other special developed areas made 3.4% of area out of forested land, of forested land area covered heavy forests. of agricultural land, 35.8% used growing crops , 6.4% pastures, while 1.4% used orchards or vine crops. of water in municipality, 2.1% in lakes , 0.9% in rivers , streams.

safnern lies in bernese seeland @ foot of bütten mountains. along nidau-büren channel old river bed of zihl , aare rivers.

on 31 december 2009 amtsbezirk nidau, municipality s former district, dissolved. on following day, 1 january 2010, joined newly created verwaltungskreis biel/bienne.


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