Cessationist understanding Cessationism versus Continuationism

the principal reason cessationist denial of continuation of gifts appeal closure of canon. implicit in appeal understanding closure of canon marked end of manifestation of charismata. however, main continuationist objection bible not offer clear (explicit) text support cessationism, although strong cessationists, such robert l. thomas , walter j. chantry, appeal text of 1 corinthians 13:8-12 proof-text cessationism. therefore, interesting question how both camps in dispute understand 1 corinthians 13:8-12. in context, issue how interpret expression in v. 10, when perfect come … , speaks event associated cessation of gifts ( … in part shall done away second part of v. 10).

continuationists understand key expression perfect come referring second coming of christ, and, thus, timing of cessation of gifts associated eschatological event of christ’s coming. argument such interpretation our knowledge, v. 9, in state of imperfection (“in part”) because “that perfect” has not yet come, when come, our knowledge cease imperfect ( in part shall done away ). since event of christ’s second coming bring forth completion of our knowledge, continuationist argues christ’s second coming candidate best fits description of expression coming of perfect . pointed out expression face face refers state of heavenly glory.

some cessationists, such john f. macarthur, agree continuationists perfection refers christ s second coming, interpret prophecy , revelatory gifts in natural terms. other cessationists, such moderate , empirical cessationists, agree continuationist interpretation, disagree john f. macarthur natural character of gift of prophecy. moderate cessationist 1 corinthians 13 cannot serve proof-text cessationism because of many obscurities. explanation why bible obscure on question of cessation of gifts gifts reemerge , in operation during great tribulation. thus, gifts, moderate cessationist perspective, in operation before christ s second coming; see moderate cessationism.

however, cessationists disagree continuationist interpretation , point out event of christ’s second coming instantaneous event. greek term used perfect teleios (strong’s no. 5046), signifying process of growth until completion, , not instantaneous event. in support of interpretation, pointed out paul’s talk of perfection illustrated metaphorical image of child’s growth unto manhood. concerning expression face face , such cessationists compare expression old testament usage of face face , point out expression used signify perfection of prophetic revelation given moses. in other words, prophetic revelation of god’s words through mosaic pact depicted perfect revelation given face face . paul used same expression signify coming of perfect completion of new testament revelation.

the uniformity of prophecy argument


for principled cessationists, reject continuationism appealing principle of sola scriptura, main issue logical relation between sola scriptura , continuationist thesis. contend charismatic gifts represent second infallible source of authority church, , therefore sola scriptura not hold. rather, authority of scriptures regarded according principle of prima scriptura. principled cessationist contends charismatic continuationist view subscribes strong sense of prima scriptura. argument incompatibility between continuationism , principle of sola scriptura uniformity of prophecy argument.

the uniformity of prophecy argument cessationist argument based upon biblical observations of how prophetic ministry practiced , how prophet s words treated in old testament. interesting 2 reasons: (1) shows underlying reason cessationist denial of gifts, , (2) purports direct biblical evidence cessationism in premises of argument not meta-biblical, rather descriptive statements of biblical observations concerning ministry of prophet. example of meta-biblical premise direct appeal principle of sola scriptura, while appeal interpretation of set of biblical passages (biblical observations or data) constitute, in context, biblical premise.

the argument makes 3 observations nature of prophetic speech.

premises (biblical observations)

the first observation prophetic speech begins strong , authoritative declaration such , says lord , signifying divine character of speech, i.e. spoken in name of lord. point first observation spoken prophetic words god s direct words.

the second observation orally spoken prophecies assigned same authority written acknowledged prophecies. consider, instance, great prophets nathan , elijah. these 2 prophets great in authority isaiah , jeremiah. yet there no canonical books written nathan or elijah. moreover, prophecies such great prophets surely not characterized second-rate. thus, prophecies could, in principle, included in canon, had been written down , preserved.

the third observation source of true prophecies same; namely stem directly god.

richard b. gaffin makes similar observation on extent of prophetic authority:

the issue inspired, spirit-worked origin of prophecy , correlative authority. words of prophet words of god , received , responded such.

he object view there distinction between different levels of prophetic authority , , agree 3 observations above.


all 3 observations above lead cessationists conclude prophetic speech, once verified, infallible , divine speech, god directly addresses people , enjoys same authority written acknowledged prophecies. thus, cessationist’s main motive in denying continuationist thesis not prepared accept authority of new prophets. cessationist not prepared accept authority of new prophets precisely because commit them view authority of new prophets same of biblical prophets such jeremiah , john.

the continuationist response , further issues

a continuationist not have such worries because attach weaker sense terms prophet or prophecy in limit authority , scope of prophecy. continuationist prophecy not contain new doctrinal content. point out every true prophecy given today has consistent bible. bible has greater authority, continuationist might say, because bible prophecies tested. bible paradigm of true prophecies. furthermore, every oral prophecy has tested , verified, while not case bible; see section: continuationist understanding of verification of prophecy.

thus, in dispute on charismata, questions regarding sola scriptura give rise further issues such authority, scope , verification of modern prophecies, covered in next sections.


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