History The Holy Infants Embracing

version marco d oggiono in royal collection

holy family infant st john, bernardino luini in prado

the subject of 2 infants kissing inspirational source of quite few (about thirty) copies of pupils , followers of leonardo da vinci. sketch of subject da vinci himself held @ windsor in royal collection. sheet shows various studies of madonna , baby playing cat, while @ bottom see 2 infants kissing , embracing each other. sketch quite different version presented @ numerous compositions, while baby on right shown in same pose jesus in virgin of rocks.

the connection between paintings evident in 2 copies made marco d oggiono (one of them - thuelin madonna)and copy made bernardino dei conti (lost during world war ii). madonna, 1 depicted in virgin of rocks seen blessing 2 kissing children, representing jesus , st john baptist. other copies show half-length figure of madonna leaning other table figures of embracing children (like copy school of leonardo da vinci held @ burchill collection, milan, , copy ascribed either marco d oggiono or giampietrino). painting of holy family (including holy infants embracing) bernardino luini held @ prado, madrid shows similar representation. of copies show group of 2 children in quite different background. these include copies marco d oggiono, depicting holy children in background of castle (milan), grotto, rocky landscape (windsor collection). subject of 2 children kissing repeated many times leonardo follower, joos van cleve, called leonardo des nordens or leonardo of north :

he produced identical paintings of subject: 3 paintings held respectively @ museo musei vicino matteo lampertico arte antica e moderna, milan; private collection, switzerland , private collection in usa (showing similar background windsor version; in royal collection, brussels, art institute of chicago , mauritshuis collection, hague. other copies artist held @ naples , vienna, sold @ various auction houses recently. joos van cleve responsible introducing composition among artists of northern europe, while numerous copies today ascribed followers of joos van cleve.


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