Miscellaneous buildings Campus of Virginia Tech

1 miscellaneous buildings

1.1 burruss hall
1.2 g. burke johnston student center
1.3 perry street parking deck
1.4 power plant
1.5 other miscellaneous buildings

miscellaneous buildings

burruss hall seen drillfield

the burruss hall tunnel

burruss hall

burruss hall main administration building, contains 3,003-seat auditorium , houses several departments in college of architecture , urban studies. consists of original building, completed in june 1936 (cost $428,404; 77,080 sq ft (7,161 m) ); west wing , rear addition, built in 1968 (cost $1,536,899; 60,503 sq ft (5,620.9 m)); , east wing, built in 1970 (cost $593,729; 20,638 sq ft (1,917.3 m)). cornerstone of original building laid @ 1935 commencement; first commencement held in auditorium in june 1936. electronic carillon, costing $28,000, added in 1958 , dedicated @ homecoming year. known teaching , administration building.

julian ashby burruss (1876–1947) president 1919 1945. first alumnus president, burruss guided vpi through tremendous increases in faculty, student body, , degree offerings; vast growth in physical plant; , efficient changes in administrative structure. pushed admit women , shortened military requirement 2 years, setting stage larger civilian student body. during tenure, radford college became women’s division of vpi.

johnston student center

g. burke johnston student center

the g. burke johnston student center (most commonly called gbj) contains student activities rooms used classrooms during day, subway food court, , study areas. on bottom floor of three-story building entrance pamplin tunnel, connects building adjacent pamplin hall; there bridge on third floor connecting burruss hall.

perry street parking deck

perry street parking deck

completed in 2010, perry street parking deck five-level parking deck can accommodate 1,300 vehicles. parking services maintains satellite located on first floor of parking deck. in spring of 2012, $1.2 million project, funded through american recovery , reinvestment act (arra) of 2009, installed 480 solar panels on top of parking deck. solar panels cover area of 16,000 square feet , expected generate 136,000 kilowatt-hours annually, or 13% of total parking deck s power usage.

power plant

a campus landmark, power plant located on upper quad across thomas hall. 180-foot (55 m) chimney can seen many places throughout blacksburg. plant cogeneration facility provides electricity, heat , steam campus.

other miscellaneous buildings

alumni hall
cranwell international center
the grove (president s residence)
health , safety building
henderson hall
information/visitors center
mccomas hall
media building
price house (razed 2005)
smith house
squires student center
student services building
university bookstore
university club
war memorial chapel
war memorial gymnasium
wright house

^ http://www.vtnews.vt.edu/articles/2012/02/020712-tcs-solarpanels.html
^ utilities @ virginia tech
^ mccomas hall . www.vt.edu. march 7, 2016. 2016. 
^ relocation plans . virginia tech women s center. 2004-09-11. archived original on 2004-09-11. retrieved 2007-04-05. 


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