Nature and conservation Archipelago Sea

a juniper (juniperus communis) growing in archipelago. due harsh conditions 15 cm (6 in) in height.

the islands provide unique , diverse environment wildlife. bigger islands resemble coastal regions of continental finland whereas skerries have radically different environment. smaller islands devoid of trees, still harbour rich plantlife. environment sunny, has relatively long growing season , fertilised guano. on other hand, constant wind , thin or non-existent soil limit plant growth. low salinity of baltic sea makes splashes of seawater more benign plant life. while of islands rocky, extensions of salpausselkä ridge system, , composed of terminal moraine. such islands include Örö , jurmo. flora , fauna in these islands more diverse in rocky neighbours.

the conditions can vary radically within 1 small island, due features of rock on islands based. there may small patches of fresh-water bogs, ponds of fresh water, ponds of brackish water, bushes, meadows, barren rocks, wind-beaten shores , sheltered coves on island few tens of meters in diameter. many plants have altered phenotypes due environment. example, junipers on small islands grow height less 0.5 metres (1.6 feet), can cover several square meters.

in contrast terrestrial , coastal ecosystems of islands, sea has relatively low biodiversity. reason brackish nature of water. salinity in 0.6% in archipelago. salinity has varied during past, making difficult species adapt. however, great number of individuals indicates favourable environment. typical fish species baltic herring, pike, white-fish, perch , flounder.

the area home many species not found elsewhere in finland. harbour porpoise 1 example of such species. cetacean regularly sighted in northern part of baltic sea. current population in entire baltic estimated @ 600 individuals, down estimated 10 20 thousand century ago. example white-tailed eagle, has significant breeding population in archipelago sea. rare or endangered bird , mammal species found in archipelago include caspian tern, greater scaup, grey seal , ringed seal.

the islands haven seabirds. species include mute swan, black guillemot, great crested grebe , numerous species of sea gulls. great cormorants have spread archipelago , numbers increasing. not viewed thing nature lovers, since great cormorants live in dense colonies poison surrounding plant life excrement.

the greatest threat environment eutrophication caused agriculture , fish farms. particular threat baltic sea, since shallow , has less potential dilute effluent human activities. eutrophication has been partly brought under control in finland, effects masked general decline in condition of baltic sea.

many areas of archipelago protected human activity sheer inaccessibility. southern part of archipelago sea belong cooperation area of archipelago national park , there many small nature conservation areas, landing prohibited in spring , summer.


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