Operation Crossroads USS Barrow (APA-61)

uss appling (apa-58) lies outboard (top) of sister ships barrow (apa-61), brule (apa-66) , gasconade (apa-85), @ pearl harbor naval shipyard, 27 february 1946, readied operation crossroads.

after bringing second lift of magic carpet men pearl harbor—where arrived on 5 february 1946 – barrow assigned commandant, 14th naval district, in connection special tests. barrow remained in hawaiian waters spring of 1946, being stripped final mission, operation crossroads. assigned transportation division (transdiv) 92, joint task force 1, barrow conducted brief period of training before sailed marshall islands in company uss butte (apa-68), uss carlisle (apa-69), uss crittenden (apa-77), uss gasconade (apa-85), , uss geneva (apa-86). arriving on 1 may, barrow fitted out special items of equipment , cameras record effect of atomic blast. 1 of 84 target vessels, barrow remain @ anchor in bikini atoll lagoon detonations scheduled take place in july.

on 30 june, barrow s entire crew transferred attack transport uss bexar (apa-237), housed during , following 2 scheduled detonations, , ship witnessed test able —the detonation @ 0900 on 1 july 1946. barrow lay @ anchor 1,335 yards ground 0 , , austained moderate damage. reboarded radiological teams on 2d, regarded radiologically safe . barrow s officers , men reembarked on 3 july, , performed routine activities on board until again ordered on board bexar on 24 july. 2 days later, anchored 2,000 yards ground 0 test baker , barrow sustained heavy radiological damage.

decommissioned @ bikini on 28 august 1946, barrow taken kwajalein radiological studies , observation before being scuttled south of kwajalein on 11 may 1948. name struck navy list on 28 may 1948.


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