Precedents Origins and architecture of the Taj Mahal

1 precedents

1.1 mughal tombs
1.2 paradise gardens
1.3 mausolea
1.4 minarets

mughal tombs

the simple tomb of babur in kabul, afghanistan, open sky.

the erection of mughal tombs honour dead subject of theological debate conducted in part, through built architecture on several centuries. majority of muslims, spiritual power (barakat) of visiting resting places (ziyarat) of venerated in islam, force greater personal sanctity achieved. however, orthodox islam found tombs problematic because number of hadith forbade construction. culture attempting accommodate, assimilate , subjugate majority hindu populace, opposition came local traditions believed dead bodies , structures on them impure. many muslims @ time of taj s construction, tombs considered legitimate providing did not strive pomp , seen means provide reflection of paradise (jannah) here on earth.

the ebb , flow of debate can seen in mughul s dynastic mausoleums stretching of ancestor timur. built in 1403 ad (810 ah) timur buried in gur-e amir in samarkand, under fluted dome. tomb employs traditional persian iwan entrance. 1528 ad (935 ah) tomb of babur in kabul more modest in comparison, simple cenotaph exposed sky, laid out in centre of walled garden.

humayun s tomb surmounted dome

humayun s tomb commissioned in 1562 ad, 1 of direct influences on taj mahal s design , response gur-e amir, borrowing central dome, geometric symmetrical planning , iwan entrances, incorporating more indian mughal devices of chhatris, red sandstone face work, , paradise garden (charbagh). akbar s tomb c.1600 @ sikandra, agra, retains many of elements of humayan s tomb possesses no dome , reverts cenotaph open sky. theme carried forward in itmad-ud-daulah s tomb @ agra, built between 1622 , 1628, commissioned daughter nur jahan. tomb of jahangir @ shahdara (lahore), begun in 1628 ad (1037 ah), 4 years before construction of taj , again without dome, takes form of simple plinth minaret @ each corner.

paradise gardens

the large charbagh (a form of persian garden divided 4 parts) provides foreground classic view of taj mahal, unesco world heritage site

the concept of paradise garden (charbagh) brought persia mughals form of timurid garden. first architectural expression new empire made in indian sub-continent, , fulfilled diverse functions strong symbolic meanings. symbolism of these gardens derived mystic islamic texts describing paradise garden filled abundant trees, flowers , plants, water playing key role: in paradise 4 rivers source @ central spring or mountain. in ideal form laid out square subdivided 4 equal parts. these rivers represented in charbagh shallow canals separate garden flowing towards cardinal points. canals represent promise of water, milk, wine , honey. centre of garden, @ intersection of divisions highly symbolically charged , where, in ideal form, pavilion, pool or tomb situated. tombs of humayun, akbar , jahangir, previous mughal emperors, follow pattern. cross axial garden finds independent precedents within south asia dating 5th century royal gardens of sigiriya in sri lanka laid out in similar way.

for tomb of jahan s late wife though, mausoleum sited @ edge of garden, there debate amongst scholars regarding why traditional charbagh form has not been used. ebba koch suggests variant of charbagh employed; of more secular waterfront garden found in agra, adapted religious purpose. such gardens developed mughuls specific conditions of indian plains slow flowing rivers provide water source, water raised river animal driven devices known purs , stored in cisterns. linear terrace set close riverbank low-level rooms set below main building opening on river. both ends of terrace emphasised towers. form brought agra babur , time of shah jahan, gardens of type, more traditional charbagh, lined both sides of jumna river. riverside terrace designed enhance views of agra imperial elite travel in , around city river. other scholars suggest explanation eccentric siting of mausoleum. if midnight garden north of river jumna considered integral part of complex, mausoleum can interpreted being in centre of garden divided real river , can considered more in tradition of pure charbagh.


tomb of jahangir minarets

the favoured form of both mughal garden pavilions , mausolea (seen funerary form of pavilion) hasht bihisht translates persian 8 paradises . these square or rectangular planned buildings central domed chamber surrounded 8 elements. later developments of hasht bihisht divided square @ 45 degree angles create more radial plan includes chamfered corners; examples of can found in todar mal s baradari @ fatehpur sikri , humayun s tomb. each element of plan reflected in elevations iwans , corner rooms expressed through smaller arched niches. such structures topped chhatris (small pillared pavilions) @ each corner. 8 divisions , frequent octagonal forms of such structures represent 8 levels of paradise muslims. paradigm not confined solely islamic antecedents. chinese magic square employed numerous purposes including crop rotation , finds muslim expression in wafq of mathematicians. ninefold schemes find particular resonance in indian mandalas, cosmic maps of hinduism , buddhism.

in addition humayun s tomb, more closely contemporary tomb of itmad-ud-daulah marked new era of mughal architecture. built empress nur jehan father 1622–1625 ad (1031–1034 ah) , small in comparison many other mughal-era tombs. exquisite execution of surface treatments, described jewel box. garden layout, hierarchical use of white marble , sandstone, parchin kari inlay designs , latticework presage many elements of taj mahal. cenotaph of nur jehan s father laid, off centre, west of mother. break in symmetry repeated in taj mumtaz interred in geometric centre of complex , jahan laid side. these close similarities tomb of mumtaz have earned sobriquet - baby taj.


minarets did not become common feature of mughal architecture until 17th century, particularly under patronage of shah jahan. few precedents exist in 20 years before construction of taj in tomb of akbar , tomb of jahangir. increasing use influenced developments elsewhere in islamic world, particularly in ottoman , timurid architecture , seen suggestive of increasing religious orthodoxy of mughal dynasty.


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