Transport Integration Act Director, Transport Safety

1 transport integration act

1.1 objects
1.2 functions
1.3 powers
1.4 independence

transport integration act

the transport integration act provides director, transport safety governance framework - objects, functions , powers - comprise charter of office.


the transport integration act provides primary object of director, transport safety ...independently seek highest transport safety standards reasonably practicable... . other notable objects of director include -

improving safety of public transport public transport users
ensuring, in collaboration other transport bodies , public entities, public transport operates part of integrated transport system seeks meet needs of transport system users
managing public transport in manner supports sustainability seeking increase share of public transport trips proportion of transport trips in victoria
seeking improve environmental performance of public transport including minimising adverse environmental impacts
contributing social wellbeing providing access opportunities , supporting liveable communities
promoting economic prosperity through efficient , reliable movement of public transport users while supporting rail freight services.


the functions of director, transport safety include -

performing functions or duties conferred on office marine act 1988, bus services act 1995, rail safety act 2006 , transport (compliance , miscellaneous) act 1983 , other relevant acts , regulations made under , other relevant acts
making recommendations minister operation , administration of acts , regulations
advising , making recommendations minister on public transport , related matters
investigating , reporting on public transport safety matters
preparing codes of practice , guidelines
providing guidance , information on safety matters
promoting education , training
conducting education , training
collecting information , data , sponsoring research
promoting awareness in transport industry , among public transport safety initiatives
developing operational policy transport safety regulation
conducting cost benefit analysis mandatory transport safety decisions.


the transport integration act provides director, transport safety range of general powers can exercised in relation rail, bus , marine industries. more specific powers contained in key statutes administered director, namely rail safety act 2006, bus safety act 2009 , marine safety act 1988. supporting compliance powers established in transport (compliance , miscellaneous) act 1983 rail , bus industries.

the compliance support scheme enables appointment of authorised officers , confers coercive powers , range of administrative , court-based sanctions. key elements -

appointment of officers transport safety officers
powers relating entry premises, inspection, securing sites, use of force , seizure of things
powers search, enter , require production of documents , information , require name , address details
sanctions , penalties such improvement notices, prohibition notices , infringement notices
powers initiate prosecutions, receive safety undertakings , impose commercial benefits penalty orders, supervisory intervention orders, exclusion orders , adverse publicity orders.

the powers of director in marine sector under marine act 1988 cover many of areas listed above.


the director, transport safety independent of ministers , government generally. transport integration act provides, example, director ...when performing or exercising or functions, independent , not subject direction , control of minister. independence supported provisions requiring removal of director office can occur approval of both houses of parliament.


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