Background Illegal immigration to Malaysia

1 background

1.1 pre-colonial migration
1.2 colonial era
1.3 post-colonial migration

1.3.1 labour migration
1.3.2 refugees , asylum seekers
1.3.3 human trafficking


the patterns of migration, roles , responses of governments in region regard migration, have deep roots in region s history. area known malaysia has historically been crossroads of region of intense migration, borders either lacking or highly permeable.

pre-colonial migration

for of human history people free move between regions. malaysia s first generation of migrants consisted of indigenous peoples, orang asli, believed either have been among first wave of human migration africa around 50,000 years ago, or belong more recent events of asian human evolution.

the malay peninsula grew port towns thrived on trade routes china india., , hosted next groups of migrants merchants became domiciled in ports, settling permanently , assimilating local communities. 5th century, networks of these towns had evolved organised political spheres of influence defined centre rather borders. @ periphery, control less certain, borders may become permeable, control overlapped, areas subject several powers, or none.

during kingdoms of langkasuka (2nd century, malay peninsula), srivijaya empire (8th century, based on island of sumatra, part of indonesia), , malacca sultanate (15th century, malay peninsula) centre of power shifted between sumatra , malay peninsula. in addition being linked political rule, sumatra , malay peninsula linked intermarriage between sumatran , peninsular ruling elite, led migration of followers.

other significant migrants classified melayu anak dagang: non-malays migrated region , later assimilated malay culture (contrasted melayu anak jati: ethnic malays native region): these include minangkabau people sumatra, indonesia, , bugis people sulawesi, indonesia.

based on malaysia s long history society of migrants, researchers @ university sains malaysia assert:

it however, pertinent put record straight migration of people artificially created enclave known malaysia today dated centuries. malaysia many ex-colonies artificial…

researcher anthony reid draws conclusion history - malaysia, , australia, best viewed immigrant society:

in malaysia of course official ideology requires 62% of population regarded ‘sons of soil’, defined in racial terms rather place of birth. there older pre-nationalist tradition there of understanding malaya immigrant society, , tendency in other immigrant societies relatively recent migrants in communities provide of innovative energy , leadership...

the colonial era

post-colonial migration
labour migration

refugees , asylum seekers

malaysia of southeast asian neighbours not signatories of 1951 un refugee convention, have maintained newly arrival aliens illegal immigrants rather refugees. since 1970s, malaysia have been allowing other muslims stuck in conflict on countries seek refuge in malaysia filipino muslims in southern philippines. in 1975, malaysia accepted thousands of cambodian muslims had fled cambodia during administration of pol pot regime. during indochina refugee crisis, malaysia continued allow select number of cambodian muslims locally integrate, assisted malaysian muslim welfare organisation (pekim), received funds both united nations high commission refugees (unhcr) , malaysian government. starting 1980, malaysia permitted local settlement rohingya muslims , acehnese muslims fleeing muslims persecution in myanmar , aceh insurgency in indonesia.

in 2015, malaysian deputy minister of home affairs, wan junaidi tuanku jaafar, stated ministry has spoken on refugee issue numerous times united nations high commissioner refugees (unhcr), telling world organisation malaysia not signatory convention on refugees . said malaysia allow refugees stay there, unhcr should not taking advantage of malaysia s compassion allowing them there, instead time united nations send refugees third-world nation. minister reminded if malaysia seen attractive country refugees taking jobs locals did not want take due dangerous, dirty or demeaning nature, both refugees , migrant workers should not take law own hands when in malaysia. malaysian government stated never sign , have intention become part of convention deputy foreign minister, reezal merican naina said:

human trafficking


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