Move to 10 Broadway Scotland Yard

the former new scotland yard building in victoria street

by 1960s requirements of modern technology , further increases in size of force meant had outgrown three-building complex on victoria embankment. in 1967 new scotland yard moved newly constructed building on broadway, existing office block acquired under long-term lease. 1967 2016, third building (then known curtis green building) of first new scotland yard partly used base met s territorial support group.

the met s senior management team, oversee service, based @ new scotland yard @ 10 broadway, close st. james s park station, along met s crime database. uses national computer system developed major crime enquiries british forces, called home office large major enquiry system, more commonly referred backronym holmes, recognises great fictional detective sherlock holmes. training programme called elementary , after holmes s well-known, yet apocryphal, phrase elementary, dear watson . administrative functions based @ empress state building, , communication handling @ 3 metcall complexes, rather @ scotland yard.

during 2000s, number of security measures added exterior of new scotland yard, including concrete barriers in front of ground-level windows countermeasure against car bombing, concrete wall around entrance building, , covered walkway street entrance building. armed officers diplomatic protection group patrolled exterior of building along security staff.

in 2008, metropolitan police authority bought freehold of building around £120 million.


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