Powers Director, Transport Safety

the transport integration act provides director, transport safety range of general powers can exercised in relation rail, bus , marine industries. more specific powers contained in key statutes administered director, namely rail safety act 2006, bus safety act 2009 , marine safety act 1988. supporting compliance powers established in transport (compliance , miscellaneous) act 1983 rail , bus industries.

the compliance support scheme enables appointment of authorised officers , confers coercive powers , range of administrative , court-based sanctions. key elements -

appointment of officers transport safety officers
powers relating entry premises, inspection, securing sites, use of force , seizure of things
powers search, enter , require production of documents , information , require name , address details
sanctions , penalties such improvement notices, prohibition notices , infringement notices
powers initiate prosecutions, receive safety undertakings , impose commercial benefits penalty orders, supervisory intervention orders, exclusion orders , adverse publicity orders.

the powers of director in marine sector under marine act 1988 cover many of areas listed above.


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