Recent work James Napier Robertson

james napier robertson speaks on stage james cameron

in 2010 started work on second feature film, dark horse, based on life story of genesis potini, māori chess player suffered severe bipolar. napier robertson stated became close friends potini, playing hundreds of games of chess him while writing screenplay. napier robertson has been avid chess player since young age, cited 1 of things inspired him make dark horse.

cliff curtis, james cameron, james napier robertson appear @ u.s. premiere of dark horse

the dark horse premiered opening night film @ nziff film festival on 17 july 2014, , released across new zealand on 31 july. film new zealand box office hit, grossing $2 million , receiving unanimously rave reviews. new zealand herald rated 5 stars, calling great, affecting movie , brave, assured , layered directing , praising towering performance of cliff curtis . review on radio new zealand declared 1 of greatest new zealand films ever made .

it premiered internationally @ 2014 toronto international film festival. variety called exceptional...the deserving cinematic export emerge new zealand in years . hollywood reporter said attract awards attention , , indiewire graded , praising moving , incredibly humanistic .

the european premiere held @ 2015 rotterdam international film festival, won audience award best film. won best actor award cliff curtis @ 2014 asia pacific awards, , 6 awards @ 2014 new zealand film awards, including best picture, best director , best screenplay. 2014 dubbed golden year of new zealand film.

the dark horse has been scheduled worldwide theatrical release in 2015.


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