Abortion health risk claims United States pro-life movement

1 abortion health risk claims

1.1 demonstrations , protests
1.2 counseling
1.3 specialty license plates

abortion health risk claims

some anti-abortion organizations , individuals disseminate false medical information , unsupported pseudoscientific claims alleged physical , mental health risks of abortion. many right-to-life organizations claim abortion damages future fertility, or causes breast cancer, contradicted medical professional organizations. states, such alaska, mississippi, west virginia, texas, , kansas, have passed laws requiring abortion providers warn patients of link between abortion , breast cancer, , issue other scientifically unsupported warnings.

some right-to-life advocacy groups allege link between abortion , subsequent mental-health problems. u.s. state legislatures have mandated patients told abortion increases risk of depression , suicide, despite fact such risks not supported bulk of scientific literature, , contradicted mainstream organizations of mental-health professionals such american psychological association.

demonstrations , protests

mass demonstrations: every year, american anti-abortion advocates hold march life in washington, d.c., on 22 january, anniversary date of roe v. wade supreme court decision legalizing abortion in united states. similar events take place on smaller scale in other u.s. cities, such walk life in san francisco, california. in spain, on million people took part in demonstration on 17 october 2009 protesting legalization of abortion. on lesser scale, paris march life gathers thousands of french anti-abortion marchers every year in january. also, thousands of pro life supporters hold march life in ottawa, canada every may, anniversary of r v. morgertaller
the life chain: life chain public demonstration technique involves standing in row on sidewalks holding signs bearing anti-abortion messages. messages include abortion kills children , abortion stops beating heart or abortion hurts women . participants, official policy, not yell or chant slogans , not block pedestrians or roadways. many right life chapters hold life chain events yearly , annual worldwide 40 days life campaigns use technique.
the rescue: rescue operation involves anti-abortion activists blocking entrances abortion clinic in order prevent entering. stated goal of practice force clinic shut down day. often, protesters removed law enforcement. clinics protested heavily in fashion closed down permanently. rescue first attempted operation rescue. ever since president bill clinton signed freedom of access clinic entrances act law, rescue has become prohibitively expensive, , has been attempted.
the truth display: involves publicly displaying large pictures of aborted fetuses. anti-abortion groups believe showing graphic results of abortion effective way dissuade , prevent others choosing abortion. pro-life action league has used form of activism in face truth displays. members of 1 group, survivors of abortion holocaust, known setting truth displays on university campuses. group has faced legal battles on use of such graphic imagery, , have generated debate regarding protection of such displays, freedom of speech. truth displays controversial, within anti-abortion movement.
picketing: majority of facilities perform abortions in united states experience form of protest anti-abortion demonstrators every year, of common form picketing. in 2007, 11,113 instances of picketing either reported to, or obtained by, national abortion federation.


sidewalk counseling: sidewalk counseling form of anti-abortion advocacy conducted outside of abortion clinics. activists seek communicate entering building, or passersby in general, in effort persuade them not have abortion or reconsider position on morality of abortion. trying engage in conversation, displaying signs, distributing literature, or giving directions nearby crisis pregnancy center.

the chicago method approach sidewalk counseling involves giving enter abortion facility copies of lawsuits filed against facility or physicians. name comes fact first used pro-life action league in chicago. intent of chicago method turn woman away facility protesters deem unsafe , giving time reconsider choice abort.

crisis pregnancy centers: crisis pregnancy centers non-profit organizations, in united states, established counsel pregnant women against having abortion. these centers typically run anti-abortion christians according conservative christian philosophy, , disseminate false medical information, not exclusively supposed health risks , mental health risks of abortion. centers provide peer counseling against abortion, , offer adoption referrals or baby supplies. not licensed , not provide medical services, though offer sonograms, claiming women see such sonograms decide not have abortion. legal , legislative action regarding cpcs has attempted curb false or deceptive advertising undertaken in pursuit of anti-abortion cause. several thousand cpcs exist in united states, operating in affiliation 1 of 3 umbrella organizations (care net, heartbeat international, , birthright international), hundreds in other countries. 2006, u.s. cpcs had received more $60 million of federal funding, including funding earmarked abstinence-only programs, state funding many states.

specialty license plates

in united states, states issue specialty license plates have anti-abortion theme. choose life, advocacy group founded in 1997, successful in securing anti-abortion automobile tag in florida. subsequently, organization has been actively helping groups in other states pursue choose life license plates.


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