Current activities NAACP

1 current activities

1.1 youth

1.1.1 youth & college division
1.1.2 act-so program

current activities

youth sections of naacp established in 1936; there more 600 groups total of more 30,000 individuals in category. naacp youth & college division branch of naacp in youth actively involved. youth council composed of hundreds of state, county, high school , college operations youth (and college students) volunteer share opinions peers , address issues local , national. volunteer work expands more international scale.

youth & college division

mission of naacp youth & college division shall inform youth of problems affecting african americans , other racial , ethnic minorities; advance economic, education, social , political status of african americans , other racial , ethnic minorities , harmonious cooperation other peoples; stimulate appreciation of african diaspora , other people of color s contribution civilization; , develop intelligent, militant effective youth leadership.

act-so program

since 1978 naacp has sponsored afro-academic, cultural, technological , scientific olympics (act-so) program high school youth around united states. program designed recognize , award african-american youth demonstrate accomplishment in academics, technology, , arts. local chapters sponsor competitions in various categories young people in grades 9–12. winners of local competitions eligible proceed national event @ convention held each summer @ locations around united states. winners @ national competition receive national recognition, along cash awards , various prizes.


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