References Néron–Tate height

general references theory of canonical heights

bombieri, enrico; gubler, walter (2006). heights in diophantine geometry. new mathematical monographs. 4. cambridge university press. doi:10.2277/0521846153. isbn 978-0-521-71229-3. zbl 1130.11034. 
hindry, marc; silverman, joseph h. (2000). diophantine geometry: introduction. graduate texts in mathematics. 201. isbn 0-387-98981-1. zbl 0948.11023. 
lang, serge (1997). survey of diophantine geometry. springer-verlag. isbn 3-540-61223-8. zbl 0869.11051. 
j.h. silverman, arithmetic of elliptic curves, isbn 0-387-96203-4


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