Theatres Düsseldorf

düsseldorf schauspielhaus

düsseldorf tonhalle

apollo (varieté, circus; shows not require knowledge of german language)
capitol (musicals)
deutsche oper rhein (opera; ballet)
düsseldorfer schauspielhaus; theatre started theatrical performances in 1585
düsseldorfer marionetten-theater
esprit arena (venue of eurovision song contest 2011)
fft – forum freies theater (intimate theatre)
junges theater in der altstadt
klangraum (20th-century classical music)
kom(m)ödchen (political cabaret)
komödie düsseldorf
palais wittgenstein
puppentheater der helmholtzstraße (puppetry)
seniorentheater in der altstadt
tanzhaus nrw (theatre dance)
tonhalle düsseldorf (concert hall classical music, jazz, pop, cabaret)
theater der kö
theater der luegallee
theateratelier takelgarn
theater flin
theater glorreich


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