United Kingdom and Colonies 1934 Birthday Honours

1 united kingdom , colonies

1.1 viscount
1.2 baron
1.3 knights of thistle
1.4 privy councillor
1.5 baronet
1.6 knight bachelor
1.7 order of bath

1.7.1 knight grand cross of order of bath (gcb)
1.7.2 knight commander of order of bath (kcb)
1.7.3 companion of order of bath (cb)

1.8 order of star of india

1.8.1 knight grand commander of order of star of india (gcsi)
1.8.2 knight commander of order of star of india (kcsi)
1.8.3 companion of order of star of india (csi)

1.9 order of saint michael , saint george

1.9.1 knight grand cross of order of st michael , st george (gcmg)
1.9.2 knight commander of order of st michael , st george (kcmg)
1.9.3 companion of order of st michael , st george (cmg)

1.10 order of indian empire

1.10.1 knight commander of order of indian empire (kcie)
1.10.2 companion of order of indian empire (cie)

1.11 royal victorian order

1.11.1 knight grand cross of royal victorian order (gcvo)
1.11.2 knight commander of royal victorian order (kcvo)
1.11.3 commander of royal victorian order (cvo)
1.11.4 member of royal victorian order, 4th class (mvo)
1.11.5 member of royal victorian order, 5th class (mvo)

1.12 order of british empire

1.12.1 knight grand cross of order of british empire (gbe)
1.12.2 dame commander of order of british empire (dbe)
1.12.3 knight commander of order of british empire (kbe)
1.12.4 commander of order of british empire (cbe)
1.12.5 officer of order of british empire (obe)
1.12.6 member of order of british empire (mbe)

1.13 medal of order of british empire
1.14 kaisar-i-hind medal
1.15 companion of imperial service order (iso)
1.16 imperial service medal
1.17 king s police medal (kpm)
1.18 royal red cross (rrc)

1.18.1 associate of royal red cross (arrc)

1.19 honorary chaplains majesty
1.20 air force cross (afc)
1.21 air force medal (afm)

united kingdom , colonies

charles cheers, baron wakefield, cbe, honorary colonel, 2nd city of london regiment (the royal fusiliers). public services, civil aviation.


the right honourable robert, lord alness, lld, lately lord justice clerk , president of second division, court of session.
sir hugo hirst, bt, chairman , managing director, general electric company ltd. public services.
gerald walter erskine loder, president of national union of conservative , unionist associations 1924-26. member of parliament brighton, 1889-1905. political , public services.
brigadier-general george charles, earl of lucan, kbe, cb, td, captain of honourable corps of gentlemen-at-arms, january–june 1929, , since 1931. conservative whip in house of lords 1920-31, , government chief whip since 1931.

knights of thistle

archibald alexander, earl of leven & melville.
colonel donald walter cameron of lochiel, cmg, dl.

privy councillor

robert anthony eden, mc, jp, mp, lord privy seal since january 1934. undersecretary of state foreign affairs 1931-33. member of parliament warwick & leamington since 1923.


sir julien cahn. services agriculture , number of charitable causes.
herbert brent grotrian, kc, jp. public services.
major john charles harford, jp, dl. political , public services in cardiganshire.
sir david mccowan, jp, dl, president of glasgow unionist association. political , public services in scotland.
sir john priestman, jp. services many social organisations in durham.

knight bachelor

major robert george archibald, cmg, dso, md, royal army medical corps (retd.), director, wellcome tropical research laboratories, sudan.
alderman john aspell, jp, chairman of highways committee, lancashire county council.
(george harold arthur) comyns berkeley, ma, md, mc, frcp, frcs, fcog, mmsa, consulting obstetric surgeon, middlesex hospital. director of london county council radium centre, hampstead.
lieutenant-colonel george reginald blake, td, jp. political , public services in wiltshire.
samuel brighouse, majesty s coroner south-west lancashire.
edmund ralph cook, cbe, secretary law society.
commander charles worthington craven, obe, royal navy (retd.), managing director, vickers-armstrongs ltd.
major albert james edmondson, mp, member of parliament banbury since 1922. political , public services.
alfred william flux, cb, honorary vice-president (past president) of royal statistical society.
captain william jocelyn ian fraser, cbe, mp, chairman of executive council of st. dunstan s. services on behalf of blind.
alderman thomas edward higham, jp, dl. political , public services in accrington.
jesse william hind. public services in nottinghamshire.
john edward lloyd, ma, dlitt, fba, emeritus professor of history @ university college of north wales, bangor.
(george) ian macalister, secretary royal institute of british architects.
ronald wilfred matthews, jp. political , public services in sheffield.
ralph millbourn. political , public services.
walter hamilton moberly, dso, ma, dlitt, vice-chancellor, university of manchester.
alderman robert pattinson, jp, dl, member of parliament grantham 1922-23. political , public services in lincolnshire.
francis henry pepper, jp. political , public services in birmingham.
colonel john archibald roxburgh, vd, lld, jp, dl, president of boys brigade 1919-33.
frederick william pascoe rutter, chairman of london & lancashire insurance co., ltd. ex-president of insurance institute.
andrew scott. twenty-eight years secretary lloyd s register of shipping.
grafton elliot smith, md, littd, dsc, frs, frcp, professor of anatomy in university of london (university college).
robert workman smith, jp, mp, member of parliament central aberdeenshire & kincardineshire since october 1924. political , public services.
waldron smithers, jp, mp, member of parliament chislehurst since 1924. political , public services.
john wilson taylor, honorary secretary , treasurer of pilgrims association.
hugh robert topping, general director of conservative , unionist central office since 1928. political services.
walter james womersley, jp, mp, lord commissioner of majesty s treasury since 1931. member of parliament grimsby since 1924.


robert albert anderson, cmg. public services shipping, education , banking in dominion of new zealand.
the honourable david gilbert ferguson, formerly judge of supreme court, state of new south wales; chairman of federal royal commission on taxation, commonwealth of australia.
robert wilson knox, chairman of australian national committee, international chamber of commerce, commonwealth of australia.
charles edward saunders, dsc, phd, lld, lately dominion cerealist, dominion of canada; discoverer of marquis, ruby, reward , garnet wheat.
councillor harold gengoult smith, lord mayor of melbourne, state of victoria.
john christian ramsay sturrock, cmg, resident commissioner, basutoland.
george henry wilson. philanthropic services in dominion of new zealand.


jwala prasad srivastava, minister governor of united provinces education.
mr. justice gilbert hollinshead blomfield jackson, indian civil service, puisne judge of high court of judicature @ fort st. george, madras.
miles irving, cie, obe, indian civil service, financial commissioner, punjab.
major-general james drummond graham, cb, cie, khs, indian medical service (retd.), late public health commissioner government of india.
maurice william brayshay, agent, bombay, baroda & central india railway, bombay.
rai bahadur satya charan mukherjee cbe, mla, zamindar, bengal.
john arnold cherry, cie, chairman of port commissioners, rangoon, burma.
albert howard, cie, lately agricultural adviser states in central india , rajputana.
william owen wright, obe, director, messrs. parry & co. ltd., madras.
khan bahadur mahbubmiyan imambaksh kadri, obe, retired district judge, bombay.
rai bahadur upendra nath brahmachari, medical practitioner, bengal.
khan bahadur dosabhai hormasji bhiwandiwalla, landlord, bombay.
maulvi saiyid liaqat ali, minister in attendance on highness nawab of bhopal, central india.
sohrabji nusserwanji pochkhanawala, managing director of central bank of india ltd., bombay.

colonies, protectorates, &c.

captain maxwell hendry maxwell-anderson, cbe, royal navy (retd.), chief justice, fiji.
crawford douglas douglas-jones, cmg, colonial secretary, british guiana.
brigadier-general godfrey dean rhodes, cbe, dso, royal engineers (retd.), general manager, railways & harbours, kenya & uganda.
arnold percy robinson, unofficial member of executive , legislative councils of straits settlements. public services.
salisbury stanley spurling, cmg, obe, vd, unofficial member of executive council of bermuda. public services.

order of bath
knight grand cross of order of bath (gcb)

military division

general sir archibald armar montgomery-massingberd, kcb, kcmg, colonel commandant, royal regiment of artillery, aide-de-camp general king, chief of imperial general staff.

knight commander of order of bath (kcb)

military division

royal navy

admiral lionel george preston, cb.
vice-admiral martin eric dunbar-nasmith, vc, cb.
engineer vice-admiral harold arthur brown, cb.


lieutenant-general bertram richard kirwan, cb, cmg, retd. pay, colonel commandant, royal regiment of artillery, late master-general of ordnance, india.
lieutenant-general william henry bartholomew, cb, cmg, dso, (late royal artillery), chief of general staff, india.
lieutenant-general george alexander weir, cb, cmg, dso, colonel, 3rd carabiniers (prince of wales s dragoon guards), general officer commanding, british troops in egypt.
lieutenant-general antony ernest wentworth harman, cb, dso, retd. pay, colonel, queen s bays (2nd dragoon guards), late general officer commanding, 1st division.

civil division

brigadier-general richard beale colvin, cb, td, president, territorial army association of county of essex.
john jeffrey, cb, cbe, permanent under-secretary of state scotland.
sir john loader maffey, kcmg, kcvo, csi, cie, permanent under-secretary of state, colonial office.

companion of order of bath (cb)

military division

royal navy

rear-admiral noel frank laurence, dso.
rear-admiral andrew browne cunningham, dso.
rear-admiral max kennedy horton, dso.
colonel william henry lainson tripp, dso, mc, royal marines.


major-general patrick hagart henderson, dso, mb, (late royal army medical corps), honorary physician king, director of hygiene, war office.
major-general baptist barton crozier, cmg, dso, (late royal artillery), half-pay, general officer commanding, designate, 43rd (wessex) division, territorial army, southern command.
major-general octavius henry lothian nicholson, cmg, dso, (late king s own royal regiment (lancaster)), colonel, 1st/4th bombay grenadiers, indian army, half-pay, general officer commanding, designate, deccan district, southern command, india.
major-general walter pitts hendy hill, cmg, dso, (late loyal regiment (north lancashire)), colonel, royal fusiliers (city of london regiment), major-general in charge of administration, southern command.
major-general llewellyn isaac gethin morgan-owen, cmg, cbe, dso, colonel, south wales borderers, major-general in charge of administration, eastern command.
major-general andrew jameson mcculloch, dso, dcm, (late 14th king s hussars), general officer commanding, 52nd (lowland) division, territorial army, scottish command.
major-general percy ryan conway commings, cmg, dso, (late south staffordshire regiment), half-pay, general officer commanding, designate, 56th (1st london) division, territorial army, london district.
colonel (temporary brigadier) frederick gordon spring, cmg, dso, (late lincolnshire regiment), commander, poona (independent) brigade area, southern command, india.
major-general ernest alexander walker, mb, frcs (edin.), indian medical service, honorary surgeon king, director of medical services, india.
colonel (temporary brigadier) betham wilkins shuttleworth, indian army, commander, ferozepore brigade area, northern command, india.
colonel (temporary brigadier) lionel peter collins, dso, obe, indian army, aide-de-camp king, commandant, indian military academy, india.

civil division

rear-admiral wilbraham tennyson randle ford.
surgeon rear-admiral percival thomas nicholls, mrcs, lrcp.
colonel percy reginald owen abel simner, dso, dl, territorial army.
honorary colonel francis killigrew seymour metford, obe, vd, td, dl, (lieutenant-colonel, retd., territorial army), chairman, territorial army association of county of gloucester.
alfred richard ainsworth, principal assistant secretary, board of education.
william barrowclough brown, cbe, assistant secretary, board of trade.
crawfurd wilfrid griffin eady, cmg, principal assistant secretary, ministry of labour.
wing commander eric john hodsoll, royal air force, assistant secretary, committee of imperial defence.
reginald edward stradling, mc, dsc, phd, minstce, director of building & road research, department of scientific , industrial research.
lieutenant-colonel sir ralph verney, cie, cvo, examiner of petitions private bills , taxing officer, house of commons. acting secretary speaker.

additional companion

major honourable alexander henry louis hardinge, cvo, mc, equerry , assistant private secretary majesty king since 1920.

order of star of india
knight grand commander of order of star of india (gcsi)

lieutenant-colonel right honourable sir george frederick stanley, gcie, cmg, governor of madras , acting governor-general of india.
field-marshal sir philip walhouse chetwode, bt, gcb, kcmg, dso, commander-in-chief, india.

knight commander of order of star of india (kcsi)

sir frank noyce, csi, cbe, indian civil service, member of governor-general s executive council.
major highness raje bahadur shrimant khem savant bhonsle, alias bapu saheb, raja of savantvadi, deccan states agency.

companion of order of star of india (csi)

maurice garnier hallett, cie, indian civil service, secretary government of india, home department.
geoffrey thomas hirst bracken, cie, indian civil service, chief secretary government of madras.
philip cubitt tallents, cie, indian civil service, chief secretary government of bihar , orissa.
richard henry beckett, cie, indian educational service, director of public instruction, bombay.
paul joseph patrick, assistant secretary, political department (internal), india office.

order of saint michael , saint george
knight grand cross of order of st michael , st george (gcmg)

sir alfred claud hollis, kcmg, cbe, governor & commander-in-chief of colony of trinidad & tobago.
the right honourable sir eric clare edmund phipps, kcmg, cvo, majesty s ambassador extraordinary & plenipotentiary in berlin.

knight commander of order of st michael , st george (kcmg)

sir edward davson, bt. services in connection economic problems of colonies.
lieutenant-colonel bernard rawdon reilly, cie, obe, dso, chief commissioner, resident, & commander-in-chief, aden.
ambrose thomas stanton, cmg, md, frcp, chief medical adviser secretary of state colonies.
mark aitchison young, cmg, governor & commander-in-chief of island of barbados & dependencies.
gerald campbell, cmg, majesty s consul-general in new york.
the honourable sir edgar rennie bowring, kt, high commissioner newfoundland 1918-22, , since 1933.
the honourable john cameron mcphee, lately premier , treasurer, state of tasmania.
claude hill reading, chairman of board of commonwealth bank, commonwealth of australia.

companion of order of st michael , st george (cmg)

the reverend canon sidney arthur alexander, cvo, ma, canon , treasurer of st paul s cathedral. services in connection annual service of order of saint michael & saint george.
noel gray frere, provincial commissioner, sierra leone.
edward butler home, obe, provincial commissioner, kenya.
william edgar hunt, cbe, commissioner of colony , commissioner of lands, nigeria.
colonel geoffrey archibald prentice maxwell, dso, mvo, mc, royal engineers (retd.), general manager, railways, tanganyika territory.
robert howson murray, provincial commissioner, nyasaland protectorate.
malcolm bond shelley, british resident, perak, federated malay states.
roy godfrey bullen spicer, mc, inspector general of police & prisons, palestine.
professor robert scott troup, cie, ma, dsc, frs, professor of forestry, oxford university. services forestry in colonies.
major hanns vischer, cbe, joint secretary , member of advisory committee on education in colonies.
arthur evelyn weatherhead, provincial commissioner, uganda protectorate.
laurence collier, counsellor in foreign office.
henry fitzmaurice, mbe, majesty s consul-general @ batavia.
john berkeley monck, cvo, majesty s assistant marshal of diplomatic corps.
thomas maitland snow, counsellor @ majesty s embassy in madrid.
reginald keble winter, secretary education & health, sudan government.
arthur clement bagshawe, secretary, department of agriculture & lands, southern rhodesia.
william james clemens, iso, commissioner, public services board, commonwealth of australia.
james christie, llm, parliamentary law draughtsman, dominion of new zealand.
reginald malet de carteret, lieutenant bailiff of jersey , jurat of royal court of jersey.
noel elmslie, majesty s senior trade commissioner in union of south africa.
george william hutchison, mayor of auckland, dominion of new zealand.
alexander johnston, lately deputy minister of marine, dominion of canada.
david crichton lamb, commissioner of salvation army. services in connection emigration , empire settlement.
ernest joseph lemaire, clerk of king s privy council, dominion of canada.
lieutenant colonel leslie miltiades mullen, dso, president of returned sailors & soldiers league, state of tasmania.
henry arthur pitt, obe, director of finance, state of victoria.
the honourable william james roche, lld, member of king s privy council, , chairman of civil service commission, dominion of canada.
duncan campbell scott, littd, frsc, frsl, lately deputy superintendent general of indian affairs, dominion of canada.

honorary companion

his highness tengku ibrahim ibni almerhum sultan mohamed iv, raja of kelantan, malay states.

order of indian empire
knight commander of order of indian empire (kcie)

khwaja nazim-ud-din, cie, member of executive council of governor of bengal.
edward arthur henry blunt, cie, obe, indian civil service, member of executive council of governor of united provinces.
sir ernest burdon, csi, cie, indian civil service, auditor-general in india.
sir james macdonald dunnett, cie, indian civil service, reforms commissioner, government of india, on deputation india office.
rai bahadur sir bisheshar das daga, head of firm of rai bahadur seth bansilal abirchand, bankers, nagpur, central provinces.

companion of order of indian empire (cie)

raja bahadur jawahir singh, raja of sarangarh, eastern states agency.
rana shri chhatrasalji, thakore of kadana, gujarat states agency.
malcolm lyall darling, indian civil service, commissioner, punjab.
henry challen greenfield, indian civil service, commissioner, berar, central provinces.
john william kelly, indian audit , accounts service, controller of currency, calcutta, bengal.
colonel (temporary brigadier) raymond somerville scott, indian army, director of remounts, army headquarters, india.
major nawab ahmed nawaz khan, obe, mla, of dera ismail khan, north-west frontier province.
hugh meggison hood, indian civil service, secretary government of madras, finance department.
stephen harris covernton, indian civil service, secretary government of bombay, revenue department.
robert niven gilchrist, indian educational service, joint secretary government of bengal, commerce & marine departments, , labour commissioner, bengal.
frederick canning, indian forest service, chief conservator of forests, united provinces.
captain edward heath dauglish, lately chief staff officer flag officer commanding, royal indian marine.
john matthew blackwood stuart, indian service of engineers, chief engineer, irrigation branch, burma.
patrick edward aitchison, indian forest department, chief conservator of forests, bombay presidency.
lieutenant-colonel john alfred steele phillips, indian medical service, director of public health, bihar , orissa.
frank thomas de monte, chief engineer, posts & telegraphs.
william mcrae, fls, indian agricultural service, director , imperial mycologist, imperial institute of agricultural research, pusa.
captain archie william ibbotson, mbe, mc, indian civil service, lately revenue minister, alwar state.
albert james mainwaring, indian civil service, district magistrate , collector, monghyr, bihar , orissa.
major george van baerle gillan, of political department, political agent, gilgit.
brevet-major harry hall johnson, of political department, political agent, south waziristan, north-west frontier province.
lieutenant-colonel harold holmes king, indian medical service, director, king institute, guindy, madras.
archibald douglas gordon, indian police, deputy inspector-general of police, bakarganj range, bengal presidency.
eric llewellyn marriott, indian police, deputy inspector-general of police, northern range, bihar , orissa.
sydney herbert bigsby, indian service of engineers, superintending engineer, public works department, , trade member of jaipur state council, superintending engineer, punjab.
john matthai, indian educational service, president, indian tariff board, madras.
vincent aubrey stewart stow, indian educational service, principal, mayo college, ajmer, ajmer-merwara.
william roberts, managing director, british cotton growing association, khanewal, multan district, punjab.
alasdair fraser stuart, manager, kumbhir tea estate, cachar, chairman, surma valley branch, indian tea association, assam.

royal victorian order
knight grand cross of royal victorian order (gcvo)

john charles, duke of buccleuch & queensberry, kt.
field marshal edmund henry hynman, viscount allenby, gcb, gcmg.
sir milsom rees, kcvo.
edward robert peacock.

knight commander of royal victorian order (kcvo)

sir reginald ward edward lane poole.
the honourable montague charles eliot, cvo, obe.
maurice alan cassidy, cb, md.

commander of royal victorian order (cvo)

brigadier-general sir smith hill child, bt, cb, cmg, dso, mvo.
paymaster rear-admiral sir hamnet holditch share, kbe, cb.
hubert stanley martin, cbe.
henry mcgrady bell, cbe.
louis francis roebuck knuthsen, obe, md.
charles henry collins baker.

member of royal victorian order, 4th class (mvo)

lieutenant-colonel eric garnett atkinson.
major douglas william alexander dalziel mackenzie, dso.
major humphrey butler, mc, (dated 25 april 1934.)
jean marie claude barlerin, mvo (5th class).

member of royal victorian order, 5th class (mvo)

john robert baxter hayward, mbe.
fred harry casswell.
arthur george beckett.

order of british empire
knight grand cross of order of british empire (gbe)

civil division

sir alan garrett anderson, kbe, former president of chamber of shipping , of association of british chambers of commerce. has rendered valuable services government departments.
sir john charles walsham reith, lld, director-general of british broadcasting corporation.
colonel nawab malik sir umar hayat khan, tiwana, kcie, cbe, mvo, adc, lately member of council of india.

dame commander of order of british empire (dbe)

civil division

elizabeth mary cadbury, obe, jp. educational , social services.
alicia frances jane lloyd still, cbe, rrc, president of international council of nurses. matron of st thomas hospital.

knight commander of order of british empire (kbe)

military division

royal navy

vice-admiral barry edward domvile, cb, cmg.


major-general leopold charles louis oldfield, cb, cmg, dso, retd. pay (late royal artillery), late general officer commanding, malaya.

royal air force

air marshal robert hamilton clark-hall, cmg, dso.

civil division

sir thomas robinson, obe, jp, until chairman of dyestuffs advisory licensing committee under dyestuffs (import regulation) act. chairman of manchester port sanitary authority.
frederick grant banting, dsc, lld, md, mrcs, lrcp, of dominion of canada, discoverer of insulin.
philip henry macarthur goldfinch, lately chairman of british settlers welfare committee, state of new south wales.

commander of order of british empire (cbe)

military division

royal navy

engineer rear-admiral john henry hocken, (retd.)


colonel william shand mackenzie, obe, royal army pay corps, chief paymaster, aldershot command.
colonel george parson, dso, commandant, defence force, southern rhodesia.
colonel thomas charles sinclair (late royal artillery), commandant, school of anti-aircraft defence.
lieutenant-colonel nathaniel william benjamin butler thorns, dso, mc, regular army reserve of officers (late new zealand staff corps), late commandant, shanghai volunteer corps.

royal air force

air commodore john tremayne babington, dso.
group captain edward cecil clements, obe, mrcs, lrcp.

civil division

john crosthwaite bridge, frcs(ed), mrcp(ed), dph, senior medical inspector of factories, home office.
beatrice anna cartwright, jp. political , public services in northamptonshire.
captain geoffrey de havilland, fraes, director , designer, de havilland aircraft company.
elsie fogerty, lram, founder , principal of central school of speech training & dramatic art.
clayre anstruther-gray, jp, ex-chairman, central council, scottish women s rural institutes.
john peter hilton, manager of birmingham municipal savings bank.
cyril arthur liddon lewis, registrar, hm land registry.
loughnan st. lawrence pendred, editor-in-chief of engineer.
albert reginald powys, fsa, ariba, secretary of society protection of ancient buildings.
john thomas richards, obe, chairman of cardiff court of referees under unemployment insurance acts.
richard jefferson simpson, obe, assistant secretary, ministry of health.
leonard james spencer, scd, frs, keeper of minerals, british museum (natural history).
charles james gerrard tate, obe, assistant secretary, ministry of pensions.
henry milnes walker, jp. political , public services in barnsley.
lieutenant-colonel frederick william abbot, british resident in paris.
william lawrence balls, frs, ma, dsc, chief botanist, egyptian ministry of agriculture.
herbert george chick, cie, lately majesty s consul-general @ salonica.
margaret eleanor theodora addison, lld, lately dean of women, victoria college, university of toronto, dominion of canada.
mary elizabeth waagen allan. services in connection crippled children, public health , welfare in dominion of canada.
william henry chase, obe, chief veterinary , agricultural officer, bechuanaland protectorate.
colonel honourable harold edward cohen, cmg, dso, vd, member of legislative council, state of victoria.
mary winnifred kydd, ma, president of national council of women, dominion of canada.
alice mabel moss, jp, president of national council of women, commonwealth of australia.
très honorée mère marie-anna piché, supérieure générale des soeurs de la charité de l hôpital général, soeurs grises de montreal, dominion of canada.
john reid rowland, mayor of salisbury, southern rhodesia.
margaret marshall saunders, ma. in recognition of services humane society, dominion of canada.
robert percy ward, lately under secretary, justice department, dominion of new zealand.
frederick william brunton, surveyor general, british honduras.
sydney herbert fazan, obe, senior district commissioner, kenya.
frederick claud marriott, obe, ma, lately director of education, trinidad.
william henry peacock, mb, bsc, deputy director of health services, nigeria.
brevet-colonel percy reginald worrall, dso, mc, officer commanding, king s own malta regiment. services island commissioner, boy scouts, malta.

honorary commander

abdullahi bayero, emir of kano, nigeria.

officer of order of british empire (obe)

military division

royal navy

commander robert collet woollerton.
lieutenant-commander robert foley knight.
lieutenant-commander frank percival busbridge, dsc.
engineer commander robert harry withey.
paymaster commander david sidney lambert.
captain eric elgood, vd, royal naval volunteer reserve.


captain & brevet major (local lieutenant-colonel) john edmund hugh boustead, mc, gordon highlanders, attached sudan defence force.
captain (local major) john agutta brawn, norfolk regiment, officer commanding, gambia company, royal west african frontier force.
lieutenant-colonel & brevet colonel william moncrieff carr, td, territorial army reserve of officers, honorary colonel, 55th west lancashire divisional engineers, royal engineers, territorial army.
ethel rose collins, rrc, principal matron, queen alexandra s imperial military nursing service, army medical directorate, war office.
lieutenant-colonel geoffrey valence comyn, mc, indian army service corps, assistant director of supplies & transport, peshawar district, india.
temporary captain bernard coombs, royal engineers, attached royal corps of signals, western command.
captain john mervyn cox, amimeche, royal army service corps, assistant military landing officer, shanghai.
major harold somerville gordon, 2nd battalion, 8th gurkha rifles.
major leonard horace charles hatton, mc, retd. pay, reserve of officers, 15th/19th king s royal hussars, attached egyptian army, officer commanding, camel corps , car patrols, frontiers administration.
major (quarter-master) frederick judge, 4th/5th battalion, royal scots fusiliers, territorial army.
captain denis patrick joseph kelly, mc, ba, army educational corps, chief instructor, army school of education, india.
major & brevet lieutenant-colonel walter douglas lidderdale, mc, late 94th (queen s own dorset yeomanry), army field brigade, royal artillery, territorial army.
colonel walter lister, td, late assistant director of medical services, 49th (west riding) division, territorial army.
major (quarter-master) william henry lowe, 1st battalion, durham light infantry.
major paul anthony meade, mc, 3rd battalion (sikhs), 12th frontier force regiment, officer-in-charge, baluchistan intelligence bureau.
lieutenant-colonel george christian meredith, mc, officer commanding, 1st battalion, straits settlements volunteer force.
major (quarter-master) frederick montague augustus morris, mbe, regimentally employed list, camp commandant, egypt.
major (quarter-master) john william porter, td, 9th battalion, durham light infantry, territorial army.
major (quarter-master) charles frederick schoon, dcm, 7th city of london regiment (post office rifles), territorial army.
major & ordnance mechanical engineer, 2nd class, william auchinleck stack, mimeche, royal army ordnance corps, chief ordnance mechanical engineer, malta.
major douglas henry steers, royal engineers, staff officer chief engineer, eastern command.
lieutenant-colonel harold matthias arthur ward, dso, td, commanding, suffolk heavy brigade, royal artillery, territorial army.

royal air force

wing commander alexander shekleton, dso.
wing commander francis percival don.
squadron leader robert jope-slade, dsc.
squadron leader robert parker musgrave whitham, mc.
squadron leader william forster dickson, dso, afc.

civil division

andrew newton anderson, permanent secretary supreme court of judicature, northern ireland, , clerk of crown, northern ireland.
percy stanley brandon, chief accountant, board of customs , excise.
major crossley st. john broadbent, td, chairman of blackburn, clitheroe & district war pensions committee.
alderman richard brodie. political , public services in mile end.
clement guy caines, mbe, principal, air ministry.
ina marjorie gwendolin, lady george cholmondeley, secretary of national birthday trust fund.
arthur disbrowe cotton, keeper of herbarium , library, royal botanic gardens, kew.
isabella martha drummond, ma, head mistress, north london collegiate school.
robert broomfield dyer, mbe, jp, ex-provost of stranraer. public services.
emily helen ekins, bsc, principal of studley horticultural & agricultural college women.
harold fieldhouse, public assistance officer, city of leeds.
edgar hamilton frazer, msc, majesty s divisional inspector of mines, scotland division.
james glen, fsi, jp, assistant chief valuer (scotland), board of inland revenue.
stanley vernon goodall, mbe, assistant director of naval construction.
alderman joseph crookes grime, mbe, jp. political , public services in manchester.
stanley albert hector, chief constable, coventry city police.
harry hughes herman, chief constable, york city police.
harry edward hewitt, md, bs, mrcs, lrcp, dph, second medical officer, general post office.
john douglas johnstone, head master, staffordshire boys school, werrington, home office school.
george arthur jones, principal, colonial office.
john henry jones, finance officer & accountant, department of overseas trade.
lancelot herman keay, friba, director of housing of city of liverpool.
william dow kennedy, ma, feis, jp, director of education banff education authority.
william louis lawton, jp, representative of trustee savings banks association on national savings committee.
george leigh, jp, superintendent registrar of births, deaths & marriages bucklow.
thomas mann, jp, chairman of dumbarton war pensions committee.
tasman millington, area superintendent (eastern district) (gallipoli), imperial war graves commission.
john moir, depute, , until interim principal, clerk of session.
kevern ivor morgan, fca. political , public services in swansea.
john oliver, jp, chairman of gateshead juvenile advisory committee.
john beaumont phelps, lately secretary irish lights commissioners.
hester robins. political , public services in devonshire.
george edward shepherd, principal, india office.
captain donald petrie simson, honorary secretary, british empire service league, organisation assisting ex-servicemen throughout empire.
annie lorrain smith, fls. contributions mycology , lichenology.
lieutenant-colonel vincent percy smith, royal engineers (retd.), technical adviser director general of territorial army.
archie roberts stevens, head master, jarrow secondary school.
alderman george james thrasher, jp, chairman of aylesbury guardians committee of buckinghamshire public assistance committee.
james gumming wynnes, mbe, friba, architect, majesty s office of works , public buildings.
the reverend john irwin brown, dd, scots presbyterian minister @ rotterdam.
henry cave ayles carpenter, phd, commercial secretary @ majesty s legation @ berne.
donald st. clair gainer, majesty s consul-general @ munich.
katherine stewart macphail, mb, chb (glas.), member of british community in belgrade.
thomas hildebrand preston, majesty s consul , chargé d affaires ad interim @ kovno.
frank edmund stafford, financial secretary @ majesty s embassy @ bagdad.
harold couch swan, majesty s consul-general @ léopoldville.
sydney george barker, phd, dic, frse. research services empire marketing board.
edwin lister brittain. honorary services patriotic fund of dominion of canada.
the reverend james henry cain. social welfare work in state of victoria.
william james coogan. services in connection roman catholic social movements in state of new south wales.
mabelle grant cooper, member of british settlers welfare committee, state of new south wales.
lilian airee foster, formerly secretary welfare committee of new settlers league, state of victoria.
theophilus cecil fynn, magistrate , civil commissioner of bulawayo, southern rhodesia.
the reverend canon david john garland, director of immigration church of england, , president of new settlers league, state of queensland.
the honourable abraham kean. services in connection sealing industry of newfoundland extending on sixty years.
lorna priscilla leatham, honorary treasurer of yorkshire voluntary migration committee.
ada florence manning, president of women s immigration auxiliary council, , member of executive of victoria league, state of western australia.
nancy consett stephen, mbe. services in connection red cross society , blinded ex-soldiers in commonwealth of australia.
khan bahadur elatt valiagath amu sahib bahadur, indian police, officiating district superintendent of police, madras.
arthur alexander bryant, assistant general superintendent, tata iron & steel co. ltd., jamshedpur, bihar , orissa.
evan victor creak, mbe, lately officer supervisor, adjutant-general s branch, army headquarters, india.
mark daniels, controller, india store department, london.
rai bahadur shambhu chandra dutta, vice-chairman, district board, midnapore, bengal.
philip edmund stanley finney, indian police, superintendent, detention jail, deoli (ajmer-merwara).
lachlan colvile patrick macalpine grant, divisional engineer, telegraphs, patna.
khan bahadur muhammad abdul kader makawi, merchant, aden.
llewellyn charles fletcher mathieson, railway concentration officer, army headquarters, india.
walter henry meyrick, planter , estate manager, bihar , orissa.
khan bahadur khwaja abdur rahman, director of public health, punjab.
william norman richardson, mbe, bombay civil service, city magistrate, karachi, bombay.
robert baker, manager , chief engineer, kowloon–canton railway, hong kong.
joseph terence de la mothe, nominated unofficial member of legislative council of grenada, windward islands. public services.
george gaggero, jp, member of city council , formerly unofficial member of executive council of gibraltar. public services.
harold george hitchcock, mbe, formerly chairman of railway commission, mauritius. public services.
john arthur stuart jennings, jp. public , charitable services in federated malay states.
hugh llewelyn jones. public services in cyprus.
charles norman lewis, lately member of expenditure advisory committee, kenya. public services.
john walker macgillivray, surveyor-general , sub-intendant of crown lands, trinidad.
george maclean, mbe, mb, chb, sleeping sickness officer, tanganyika territory.
charles victor magill, director of posts & telegraphs, somaliland protectorate.
henry mason, chief accountant, railway, gold coast.
ernest alfred nattriss, deputy head of shipping department of crown agents colonies. services shipping officer discovery committee.
colin raeburn, dsc, fgs, assistant director, geological survey department, nigeria.
harry patrick rice, deputy inspector general, criminal investigation department, palestine.
major hubert craddock stevenson, mc, district officer, nigeria.
john trimingham trimingham, colonial treasurer, bermuda.
james turner, collector of customs, malta.
captain percy redesdale wardroper, mbe, commissioner of police, northern rhodesia.
george williams, unofficial member of executive council , of legislative council of st. lucia, windward islands. public services.
charles campbell woolley, mc, officer of class ii of ceylon civil service.

honorary officer

selim effendi hanna, mbe, assistant superintendent of police, palestine.

member of order of british empire (mbe)

military division

royal navy

signal lieutenant william thomas burt.
boatswain henry havelock cook.
warrant master-at-arms albert briggs jenkins.
commissioned engineer james douglas garden bonham, dsm.
paymaster lieutenant george henry iles, (retd.)


captain stanley acheson, royal army service corps.
captain (deputy commissary) frederick william austin, india miscellaneous list, quarter-master-general s branch, army headquarters, india.
captain edwin maurice blake, royal engineers, adjutant, royal bombay sappers , miners.
no. 7718812 warrant officer, class i, superintending clerk george cody, small arms school corps, netheravon.
no. 3434840 warrant officer, class ii, company sergeant-major thomas augustine cusack, 1st battalion, lancashire fusiliers, late instructor, straits settlements volunteer force.
no. 5429106 warrant officer, class i, regimental sergeant-major william bartlett fife, late 2nd battalion, duke of cornwall s light infantry.
no. 5094464 warrant officer, class ii, regimental quartermaster-sergeant james gibbs, 1st battalion, royal warwickshire regiment.
no. 1852854 warrant officer, class ii, mechanist quartermaster-sergeant charles francis brind green, royal engineers, egypt.
no. 5174418 warrant officer, class ii, regimental quartermaster-sergeant albert william gregory, 6th battalion, gloucestershire regiment, territorial army.
no. 5610627 warrant officer, class ii, company sergeant-major george charles grimes, 4th battalion, devonshire regiment, territorial army.
no. 2208084 warrant officer, class ii, mechanist quartermaster-sergeant henry edward harris, 27th (london) anti-aircraft searchlight battalion, royal engineers, territorial army.
no. s/7249 warrant officer, class i, staff sergeant-major george harry heathcote, late royal army service corps, china.
conductor bertram holmes, indian corps of clerks, india unattached list, superintending clerk, lucknow district, india.
no. 2555438 warrant officer, class ii, company sergeant-major william henry hooper, 54th (east anglian) divisional signals, royal corps of signals, territorial army.
no. 1412943 warrant officer, class ii, quartermaster-sergeant artillery clerk charles joseph lawrence, royal artillery, eastern command.
no. 528320 warrant officer, class ii, regimental quartermaster-sergeant henry albert lee, northumberland hussars, territorial army.
captain (director of music) george john miller, lram, psm, grenadier guards.
captain (deputy commissary) eugene william newman, indian army service corps, no. 13 district supply company, bombay.
lieutenant (quarter-master) patrick edward nolan, royal corps of signals (indian army), 1st indian divisional signals, rawalpindi.
no. 4601997 warrant officer, class ii, quartermaster-sergeant (orderly room sergeant) thomas norman, 1st battalion, duke of wellington s regiment (west riding).
warrant officer, class ii, company sergeant-major george thomas padgett, hong kong volunteer defence corps.
captain arthur cyril lawes parry, mc, 2nd battalion, green howards (alexandra, princess of wales s own yorkshire regiment).
lieutenant (quarter-master) john pemberton, half-pay, late attached king s own malta regiment.
no. 7720735 warrant officer, class i, instructor (educational) william mcewan pirie, army educational corps, malta.
no. 7574188 warrant officer, class ii, staff quartermaster-sergeant sidney edward richardson, 42nd (east lancashire) divisional royal army ordnance corps, territorial army.
risaldar & honorary captain sardar khan, 20th lancers, adjutant , quarter-master, prince of wales s royal indian military college, dehra dun, india.
no. 4961495 warrant officer, class i, regimental sergeant-major arthur stevenson, late 1st battalion, sherwood foresters (nottinghamshire , derbyshire regiment).
sub-conductor gerald bryan urquhart, indian army ordnance corps, india unattached list.
no. t/27447 warrant officer, class ii, company sergeant-major or (acting regimental sergeant-major) charles francis vanderwerff, 44th (home counties) divisional royal army service corps, territorial army.
no. 2646398 warrant officer, class i, regimental sergeant-major charles edward vaughan, 2nd battalion, buffs (east kent regiment).
lieutenant (quarter-master) david abraham warman, 5th battalion, south staffordshire regiment, territorial army.
no. s/3045 warrant officer, class i, staff sergeant-major john william whelan, royal army service corps, southern command.
lieutenant martin william helenns white, 2nd battalion, 9th gurkha rifles.
no. 724515 warrant officer, class ii, battery sergeant-major reginald frederick wilson, 63rd (6th london) field brigade, royal artillery, territorial army.
no. 743676 warrant officer, class ii, battery sergeant-major john hugh woolhouse, 11th (honourable artillery company & city of london yeomanry) brigade, royal horse artillery, territorial army.

honorary member

kaid abdul rahman arekat, trans-jordan frontier force.

royal air force

flight lieutenant alexander hutchinson montgomery.
flight lieutenant francis wilfrid peter dixon, mb, bs.
flight lieutenant thomas henry jolley, (retd.)
warrant officer charles william baker.
warrant officer herbert james crane.
quartermaster (honorary flight lieutenant) john joseph swift, royal australian air force.

civil division

charles adams, superintendent, metropolitan police.
allan arneil, inspector, department of health scotland.
henry tweedale ashworth, mm, registrar, colonial office. lately registrar, dominions office.
william thomas begley, first class clerk, ministry of health.
william baldwin benham, superintendent of traffic, london telephone service.
harry bolton, clerk sutton & cheam urban district council.
alderman walter hineson bowskin, chairman of finance committee, borough of kingston-upon-thames.
archibald james brinkley, superintendent , deputy chief constable, west suffolk constabulary.
leslie george brown, establishment officer , accountant, hm passport office.
margaret jane campbell, mrs. burnley campbell. services gaelic culture. member of comunn gàidhealach (the highland association).
joy mary barbara carey, clerical officer, hm treasury, , personal assistant permanent secretary.
ambrose henri chandler, accountant, board of customs , excise.
john elder crofts, superintendent, wolverhampton borough police.
fannie amelia cullwick, matron, monyhull mental deficiency colony.
florence rose davies, jp, chairman of aberdare juvenile advisory committee.
leonora davies, jp, joint honorary secretary of south wales mining areas relief fund. active worker on behalf of blind in south wales.
john patrick ferriss, district inspector, royal ulster constabulary.
maud fitzwilliams, jp, chairman of children s sub-committee of south west wales war pensions committee.
henry fry, senior foreman, engineering department, admiralty dockyard, devonport.
major martin glynn, lately secretary of scottish society employment of regular soldiers, sailors & airmen.
cecil charles wemyss goodale, staff officer, hm office of works & public buildings.
james gordon, clerical officer, india office.
gifford gray, superintendent, zetland county police force.
james gray, chief area officer, ministry of pensions, edinburgh.
frank hardy, jp, member of national savings committee. chairman of mansfield local savings committee.
alderman arthur william hiscox, chairman of lewisham juvenile advisory committee.
alberta elsie may hopgood, superintendent of typists, board of trade.
lawrence charles jackson, staff officer, grade ii, ministry of transport.
sarah jane lambert, rrc, county nursing superintendent , inspector of midwives, isle of wight.
constance mary leckenby, superintendent of typists, scottish office.
eliza loftus, head mistress, foggathorpe council school, east riding.
john william macaree, staff clerk, lord chancellor s department.
jean macleod, matron, newcastle upon tyne mental hospital.
david john milne, first class officer, ministry of labour.
lily mary monteagle, feis, lately head teacher, percy street special school, glasgow.
charles anthony moorhouse, assistant postmaster, manchester.
william harris myles, senior marketing officer, ministry of agriculture & fisheries.
william o shea, assistant superintendent, south eastern parcel office, general post office.
doris winifred pearson, assistant secretary of british academy.
arthur st. john phillips, deputy city commandant, special constabulary, londonderry.
lancelot rawes, secretary, surrey education conference. formerly head master of village school @ send, surrey.
edgar frederick sewter, musbac, acp, head master, halesworth council school & rural pupil teacher centre, east suffolk.
annie isabel shackle, chief superintendent of typists, dominions , colonial offices.
john shatwell, staff clerk, war office.
alderman george smith, jp, chairman of doncaster, mexborough & district war pensions committee, & of children s sub-committee.
lewis henry stroud, contracts officer, air ministry.
councillor helen theilmann, jp. political , public services in kingston-upon-hull.
harold godwin trayfoot, inspector of telegraph & telephone traffic, general post office.
alwyn ieuan tudor, staff officer, home office.
mary anne twentyman, chairman of children s sub-committee of wolverhampton & district war pensions committee.
william calderwood walker, public assistance officer cumberland county council.
leonard warren, superintendent, berkshire constabulary.
jennins attwooll watts, mc, assistant principal, ministry of agriculture, northern ireland.
william arthur reginald webster, tax officer, higher grade, board of inland revenue.
clarence faithfull monier-williams, senior intelligence officer, department of overseas trade.
john edwin woodford, senior staff officer, office of traffic commissioners north western area.
william john thomas yates, lately higher grade clerk, department of director of public prosecutions.
mary margaret scholastica brown, translator @ majesty s embassy @ santiago.
bertie john catton, british pro-consul @ mersin.
alfred coaster, dredging superintendent, port of basrah.
ethelbert farmer, archivist @ majesty s embassy, bagdad.
dorothy lester macdonald, member of british community @ santiago, chile.
harold mccardell, british vice-consul @ santos.
the reverend arthur francis nightengale, bd, member of british community in panama.
leo haydock wilson, british vice-consul @ santiago de cuba.
mabel elsie wolff, inspectress of midwives, sudan.
george edward ardill. social welfare work in state of new south wales.
john austen, chairman of que que town management board, southern rhodesia.
william harry bamford, lately member of retail bakers & confectioners advisory committee of empire marketing board.
maud rose bonney. first solo flight australian woman australia england.
nellie constance morrice, secretary bush nursing association, state of new south wales.
jane power, lately matron of mental diseases hospital, state of tasmania.
sister constance stone, rrc. nursing services in northern territory of commonwealth of australia.
ethel mary taylor. social , rescue work @ bulawayo, southern rhodesia.
wallace wyndham waite, lately member of food products committee , of retail grocers advisory sub-committee of empire marketing board.
julia barbara waugh. philanthropic services in commonwealth of australia.
thomas wilkie, jp, lately member of retail grocers advisory sub-committee of empire marketing board.
annie maria greenwood, matron, british military families hospital, hyderabad, sindh, bombay.
sahibzada haji mohammed dilawar khan abbasi, army minister, bahawalpur, punjab states.
william arthur beer, assistant director of pasteur institute, coonoor, nilgiris, madras.
harry edwin bloodworth, officer supervisor, military secretary s branch, army headquarters, india.
bertram cahill, officer supervisor, quartermaster-general s branch, army headquarters, india.
thomas carter, manager, government of india press, new delhi.
john d sylva, deputy superintendent of police (retd.), bombay.
herbert dudley, director of music, excellency governor s band, bengal.
thomas joseph gateley, superintendent, waterworks, delhi.
william irwin graham, officer supervisor, general staff branch, army headquarters, india.
john alexander gunn, manager of whiteaway, laidlaw & co., rangoon, burma.
khan bahadur saiyid hamid husain khan, taluqdar , honorary magistrate, lucknow, united provinces.
khan bahadur abdul jabbar khan, zaildar of matta moghal khel, north-west frontier province.
mukand lall, military engineer services, sub-divisional officer.
probodh chandra mustafi, civil engineer, tata iron & steel co. ltd., bihar , orissa.
major frank hermann otto, indian medical department, assistant surgeon on port health staff, bombay.
george palmer, head clerk, headquarters, small arms school (india).
patrick lawrence o toole quinn, superintendent, visapur temporary prison, bombay.
ernest cecil rush, inspector, armed police, darjeeling, bengal.
geoffrey osmund schmidt, indian medical department, assistant surgeon, british consulate, kashgar.
william james placid sidwell, foreman, tobacco manufactures (india) ltd., monghyr, bihar , orissa.
rai bahadur babu vikramajit singh, mlc, advocate, cawnpore, united provinces.
ernest john lawrence slynn, personal stenographer excellency viceroy.
arcot jaganatham veeraswami, district commissioner, secunderabad local boy scouts association, hyderabad (deccan).
antonio alcoser, district commissioner, british honduras.
joseph antoine hermann andre, mrcs, lrcp, superintendent, leper asylum, mauritius.
john beresford beckles. public services in barbados.
walter elias broadway. services education , agriculture in trinidad.
ernest frederick bryan, assistant engineer, public works department, nyasaland protectorate.
norman brandreth casey, superintendent of prisons, fiji.
john robert dyer, assistant superintendent of police, tanganyika territory.
arthur james field, assistant establishment officer, kenya.
albert edward gardner, mm, transport officer, police department, somaliland protectorate.
gowardhan lai, clerk, railways & harbours, kenya & uganda.
john edward seaton griffiths, assistant district officer, tanganyika territory.
frederick george harcourt, curator of botanical gardens , agricultural superintendent, dominica, leeward islands.
james domone kennedy, sylviculturist, nigeria.
frederick william lane, superintendent of public works, st. helena.
andrew buchanan macdonald, mb, chb. devoted work in treatment of lepers in nigeria.
nanji kalidas mehta. contribution commercial activities development of uganda protectorate.
alfred nicholls, superintendent of police & prisons, st. helena.
joseph lennox donation pawan, mb chb, government bacteriologist, trinidad.
stanley prosser, inspector of immigration, palestine.
edmund reimers, archivist , librarian, ceylon.
james macrae simpson, assistant district officer, nigeria.
salem subbukrishna subrahmanyam, examiner of accounts, treasury & customs department, somaliland protectorate.
sowani puamau, first native medical practitioner, gilbert , ellice islands colony, western pacific.
thomas henry stone, chief draughtsman, engineering department, railways & harbours, kenya & uganda.
albert emeric tuboku-metzger, jp, president of sierra leone section of national congress of british west africa. public services.
the reverend george turner waldegrave, ma. services in connection missions , in developing boy scout movement in hong kong.
lawrence timothy yearwood. public services in barbados.

honorary members

abdel rahman bey el taji, member of supreme moslem council , of citrus fruit committee of general agricultural council, palestine.
dhalla bhimji. charitable services in tanganyika territory.
yusuf hajjar, md, medical officer in charge of government hospital @ jerusalem, palestine.
moshe smilansky, chairman, jewish farmers federation, palestine.

medal of order of british empire

military division

for meritorious service
royal navy

sidney george marsh, leading seaman o.n. c/j. 22855 (hm submarine h32).
william frederick spurging, chief petty officer writer o.n. c/m. 5285 (hms shoreham).


no. 56 sergeant bulasio zake, supply & transport corps, northern brigade, king s african rifles.
no. 1026472 sergeant james harrow, royal artillery, malta.
no. 950 lance-sergeant ndandala, mm, bechuanaland protectorate police.
no. 7868001 staff sergeant instructor walter thomas puplett, royal tank corps, tank driving & maintenance school.
no. 7682190 sergeant albert edward smith, corps of military police, egypt.
no. 1859054 corporal harry miller thomson, royal corps of signals, india.
no. 2309447 company quarter-master sergeant (foreman of signals) william arthur west, royal corps of signals, china.

royal air force

91023 flight sergeant charles edward tucker.
246359 flight sergeant john christopher marshall.
357218 corporal edward francis hancock.

civil division

for gallantry

abdus samad abdul wahid golandaz, landlord, property-owner , sand contractor, bombay.

mr. golandaz owns fleet of boats , trained boatmen places @ disposal of authorities whenever surat, rander or surrounding districts threatened floods, , on frequent occasions has risked own life in leading men works of rescue. has shown conspicuous personal bravery on several occasions. in particular on 16th of september 1933, when tapti river had swollen such proportions 1 of sluices in city wall had been damaged , water pouring in through it, threatening flood city, volunteered dive flooded river , ascertain nature , extent of damage. accomplished brave feat , blocked sluice sandbags @ considerable risk own life. in 1930 had performed act of conspicuous bravery in rescuing boys of government high school , family of excise inspector, bungalows had been cut off floods.

for meritorious service

william bunn, office keeper, stormont buildings, ministry of finance, northern ireland.
frederick charles cartwright, head assistant in investigation branch of post office.
frederick george clark, head office keeper, india office.
charles croft, foreman @ school of artillery.
george patrick william keay, head messenger postmaster general.
hector james mclennan, sergeant, royal corps of signals. instructor, wireless group, burma military police.
alfred robert henry miller, constable, metropolitan police. courage , determination in arresting armed criminals.
wilfrid ivor randolph wilkins, constable, metropolitan police. courage , determination in arresting armed criminals.
reginald cyril victor mott, constable, palestine police. services during disturbances in october , november 1933.
john murray, constable, palestine police. services during disturbances in october , november 1933.
cyril albert david savory, constable, palestine police. services during disturbances in october , november 1933.
thomas opie, head gardener , caretaker, imperial war graves commission, france.
john montagu pocock, assistant commander, metropolitan special constabulary.
suleiman gereis, senior instructor of manual training, gordon college, sudan.
abu bakr hassan, assistant locomotive inspector, sudan railways.
bida sule, master, grade i, nigerian marine.

kaisar-i-hind medal

first class, public services in india

lena adell benjamin, superintendent, american baptist mission hospital women & children, nellore, madras.
jeenabai duggan (wife of lieutenant-colonel jamshedji nasarvanji duggan, cie, obe, professor of ophthalmic medicine & surgery, grant medical college, , superintendent, c. j. ophthalmic hospital), bombay.
doris louisa graham, medical missionary, krishnagar, bengal.
eileen mabel holliday (wife of honorary brigadier j. c. h. holliday, obe, indian army (retd.))
srimati phulpati kuer, proprietress, goldenganj estate, saran district, bihar , orissa.
gladys elizabeth littlewood, mbe, indian educational service, inspectress of girls schools, north-west frontier province.
reverend mother mary columba sullivan, superioress, st. joseph s presentation convent, quetta, baluchistan.
millicent vere webb, chief medical officer, women s medical service, , secretary of funds under presidency of excellency countess of willingdon.
sidney lionel marwood, indian civil service, district magistrate , collector, champaran, bihar , orissa.

companion of imperial service order (iso)

home civil service

murdoch beaton, general inspector, department of health scotland.
alfred graham bell, senior examiner, patent office.
john lockton bryan, mbe, senior staff officer, ministry of agriculture & fisheries.
david alfred chart, littd, principal, ministry of finance, , deputy keeper, public record office, northern ireland.
hugh annan corbet, deputy master of branch of royal mint @ perth, western australia.
frank coucher, chief accountant, supreme court pay office.
aubrey culley, assistant principal clerk, office of controller of stamps, board of inland revenue.
alphonso william james davies, mbe, clerk in charge, greenwich hospital department, admiralty.
alfred featherstonhaugh, first class officer, ministry of labour.
alec robert gibbs, minstce, amimeche, superintending civil engineer, air ministry.
william gladstone gilbert, deputy comptroller , accountant general, general post office.
frederick mayes, senior staff officer, ministry of health.
charles scott nicoll, assistant, librarian s department, foreign office.
alfred leonard screech, obe, director of accounts, hm stationery office.
james william simmons, inspector, first class, board of customs , excise.
ernest graham williams, mbe, senior staff officer, mines department.


lewis findlay east, secretary, marine branch, department of commerce, commonwealth of australia.
john henry osborn eaton, engineer-in-chief, state of south australia.
charles herbert palmer robinson, lately principal parliamentary reporter, commonwealth of australia.
ward george wohlmann, commissioner of police, dominion of new zealand.
arthur herbert wright, secretary , accountant, office of agent general in london state of victoria.

indian civil services

m.r.ry. rao bahadur kanthadai rangaswami ayyangar avargal, deputy superintendent of police, madras.
john carter, mbe, personal assistant excellency commander-in-chief in india.
mohanlal kahandas dalai, head clerk, office of district superintendent of police, ahmedabad, bombay.
cyril brook duckworth, superintendent, office of inspector-general of civil hospitals, bihar , orissa.
babu manindra gopal ghosh, judicial head assistant, commissioner s office, bhagalpur, bihar , orissa.
william robert hewitt, office supervisor , personal assistant quartermaster-general in india.
albert victor jones, assistant secretary government of assam, finance , revenue departments.
charles reginald nicholas, personal assistant commissioner, sagaing division, burma.
rai sahib lala ram sahai, sub-assistant surgeon, residency hospital, indore, central india.

colonies, protectorates, &c.

charles francis bristow, lately superintendent in charge of stores & accounts branch, police department, kenya.
john francis fernandez, lately book-keeper, treasury, uganda protectorate.
walter mortimer fraser, lately treasurer, jamaica.
gordon eastley greig, arsm, lately senior warden of mines, federated malay states.
gordon edward william jansz, chief accountant, government railway, ceylon.
magnus johannes oyedele macauley, under sheriff of colony, sierra leone.
arthur robert sutherland, ma, inspector of schools, hong kong.
james pogson turner, chief registrar of colony, , registrar of antigua, leeward islands.

imperial service medal

in recognition of long , meritorious service in indian civil services

masukhan bijarkhan, retired havildar in office of chief engineer in sind, bombay.
chowdhury, retired jemadar of office of private secretary excellency viceroy.
isaac whitten, home service, late messenger high commissioner india, london.

king s police medal (kpm)

for gallantry

hassan mohammed effendi khatib, assistant superintendent, palestine police.
alan edward sigrist, british inspector, palestine police.
constable abdallah shibley zaher, palestine police.

royal red cross (rrc)
associate of royal red cross (arrc)

margaret alice wilson-green, lady superintendent, queen alexandra s military nursing service india, in recognition of special devotion duty , competency displayed in performance of nursing duties in india.

honorary chaplains majesty

the reverend marten william shewell, ma, chaplain forces, 1st class
the reverend howard gabb marshall, ma, chaplain forces, 1st class

additional honorary chaplain king

the reverend joseph firth, mc, staff chaplain, royal air force.

air force cross (afc)

squadron leader francis joseph fogarty, dfc.
flight lieutenant guy lloyd carter.

air force medal (afm)

973 flight sergeant william robert mccleery.
364249 sergeant pilot edward norman rooms.


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