Recognizing coprolites Coprolite

a miocene pseudocoprolite washington state. commonly mistaken coprolites because of appearance , shape; of inorganic origin. scale in mm. see spencer (1993).

the recognition of coprolites aided structural patterns, such spiral or annular markings, content, such undigested food fragments, , associated fossil remains. smallest coprolites difficult distinguish inorganic pellets or eggs. coprolites composed chiefly of calcium phosphate, along minor quantities of organic matter. analyzing coprolites, possible infer diet of animal produced them.

coprolites have been recorded in deposits ranging in age cambrian period recent times , found worldwide. of them useful index fossils, such favreina jurassic period of haute-savoie in france.

some marine deposits contain high proportion of fecal remains. however, animal excrement fragmented , destroyed, has little chance of becoming fossilized.


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