Bad guys El Chapulín Colorado

1 bad guys

1.1 mob
1.2 gunmen
1.3 pirates

bad guys
the mob

tripaseca (skinny-gut): played ramón valdés , 1 of recurring villains on show. dangerous gangster part of mafia gang composed of cuajináis, shory, botija , minina. considered archenemy of chapulín, scheming along rest of gang kill hero in order commit robberies wants. in episode in pretends dead fool local police force, chapulín states had known tripaseca since 2 of them children.
cuajináis (almost-nothing): played carlos villagrán. deadly gangster characterized huge scar on right cheek. although ally of tripaseca, attempts score crimes on own.
shory (the spanish pronunciation of word shorty , sarcasm on rubén aguirre s height of 1.96m or 6 5 ): played rubén aguirre. vicious mobster characterized high stature , coldness. el shory gives trouble chapulín in combat because of superior strength , endurance. in chapters, character nicknamed el nene (the kid) .
minina (girl): played florinda meza. woman accompanies mafia in schemes , characterized constant smoking , low intellectual capacity.
pocas trancas (few-lock): interpreted rubén aguirre. madman escaped asylum. people believe pocas trancas deaf detective clarified couldn t speak because didn t wash tongue , couldn t listen because didn t wash ears. lacked in intelligence made in raw strength, according same detective. súper sam , chapulín have team fight him.

the gunmen

rascabuches (tear-maw): played ramón valdés. fiery gunslinger mere presence makes inhabitants of village flee in terror. faced chapulín many times , defeated him (although once trapped giant mousetrap had bag of money bait). rascabuches has young daughter named rosa.
matonsísimo kid (bullymost kid): interpreted carlos villagrán or rubén aguirre. dangerous gunman plagues small towns of old american west, ally of rascabuches , rosa la rumorosa. although claimed fastest gunman of old west, chapulín managed overcome him.
rosa la rumorosa (rose rumor girl): performed florinda meza. daughter of rascabuches, 1 of feared gunmen of old west. despite being accomplice father, laments fact no 1 proposes marriage because of notoriety of father.

the pirates

alma negra (black soul): played ramón valdés. captain of pirates, , said, chief of pirates of 7 seas. captain alma negra evil clumsy (once being hurt own dagger while trying intimidate el chapulín). characterized malevolent laughter , tendency endanger life of own crew , of chapulín or girl doesn t want marry him. according himself, killed dead sea , therefore there no longer 7 seas, six. @ point, died ghost continued curse seas.
matalote (slaughter): interpreted rubén aguirre. alma negra s right-hand man, tallest of pirates, , surely cruel after alma negra. el matalote known being quite strong , ruthless.
sabandija (gecko/louse): played carlos villagrán. clumsy pirate has left wooden leg , right glass eye, both lost in 1 of many battles fought under alma negra s command. , panza loca ones in crew rebel against master pirate alongside chapulín.
panza loca (crazy belly): played edgar vivar. fattest of pirates, has little intimidating voice , apparently not pirate. cowardly sabandija , suffers through life-threatening situations because of whims of captain alma negra.


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